Chuck Schumer ERUPTED in rage when asked this question by Don Lemon

Chuck Schumer

CNN’s Don Lemon has always had a cozy relationship with Democrat politicians. That could all change.

Because Chuck Schumer ERUPTED in rage when asked this question by Don Lemon.

The Democrat Party has been at DEFCON-1 ever since it was revealed that Joe Biden had mishandled classified information.

They tried to crucify Donald Trump for allegedly taking classified documents, though Trump had the power as president to declassify items as he saw fit.

On the other hand, Joe Biden took Top Secret information during his time as Vice President, a position that has no power to declassify.

Their hypocrisy is on display for every American to see, and they aren’t even getting help from their pals in the fake news media.

Chuck Schumer has tried to smooth things over, just like many other Democrats, by doing the rounds on talkshows saying that Biden has done nothing wrong.

But even radical leftist pundits have to admit that the situation looks bad for Biden and the Democrats.

Chuck Schumer won’t stand for that kind of disloyalty to the Democrat Party line.

When asked about President Joe Biden’s developing classified document issue, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) sparred with various CNN guests late this week.

The following morning, I woke up to find myself in the midst of a debate on whether or not there should be a federal government shutdown.

“It’s much too early to tell,” Schumer said.

“I think President Biden has handled this correctly. He’s fully cooperated with the prosecutors when the documents were found, he notified Archives. It’s a total contrast to President Trump, who stonewalled for a whole year.”

CNN’s Don Lemon pressed Schumer on accusations that the administration made “misleading statements,” giving the impression that “Biden’s team has something to hide.”

“That doesn’t sound that much different than the former president,” Lemon said.

“Don, there’s now a special prosecutors. Let’s see what they have to say,” Schumer responded. “We can have all the speculation and comment. Let’s see what they have to say and let’s focus on doing things that help the American people.”

“But, senator, I have to get — I have to say this,” Lemon fired back.

“You seem much more measured about this than with the Trump documents because you called for transparency with the Trump documents. You wanted lawmakers to have access to the documents seized from the former president, his residence in Florida.”

When Poppy Harlow brought up whether Biden was being transparent with the American people, Schumer responded, “Bottom line is the prosecutors will get to the bottom of this and let’s let them do it, for God’s sake.”

Watch the full exchange here:

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