Leading Democrat Senator makes shocking retirement announcement

Democrats are panicking. Their majority in the senate could very well crumble before their eyes.

And this leading Democrat Senator makes a shocking retirement announcement.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced on Thursday that he is deciding not to run for reelection in 2024.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Manchin stated, “To the West Virginians who have put their trust in me and fought side by side to make our state better – it has been an honor of my life to serve you. Thank you.”

This news comes at a time where some are wondering if Manchin will launch an independent bid for president in 2024. And he believes that the race for the presidency is wide open.

“The people haven’t been able to speak yet,” Manchin said in an interview on Thursday with CNBC.

“The parties, basically the Democratic and Republican parties, might be set on where they’re going, and who they think is going to be the representative, but the people haven’t spoken up yet.”

While Manchin is considered a Democrat, he’s been known to be a thorn in the side of the party by sometimes voting against Leftist proposals and bills.

He was famously known for voting against President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan and has also not been as strongly supportive of fighting climate change as his Democrat peers would like him to be.

But despite retiring from the Senate, Manchin is still planning on being politically active.

“But what I will be doing is travelling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together,” the senator said in a video he posted on X.

Democrats are now going to have to figure out a replacement to run in Manchin’s place, as he was seen as a moderate Democrat who could win in a red state like West Virginia.

Republicans believe that unseating Manchin would be a massive step in taking a majority in the Senate.

“We like our odds in West Virginia,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines.

However, if Manchin decided to run for reelection, he would very well have had an uphill battle against current West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R), who is planning to run for Senate in 2024.

According to recent polling from Emerson College, Justice is ahead of Manchin by 13 points.

Some radical-Leftists will be glad to see the moderate senator leave his post.

But overall, Manchin’s decision to not seek reelection will only make it that more difficult for Democrats to retain a Senate majority.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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