Mitch McConnell is shaking in fear after this Senate Republican betrayed him

Senator McConnell’s health has been a major question in recent days. Now even Republicans are jumping ship.

And Mitch McConnell is shaking in fear after this Senate Republican betrayed him.

Days ago, Americans were hit with another sad reality about their elected officials.

Despite the protests of media figureheads, America’s politicians are aging and they are aging quickly.

Mitch McConnell is just one example among many.

In recent days, he has had another run in with seemingly random fits of pausing with the inability to speak.

Some are playing this off as no big deal, but other Republicans are sounding the alarm.

Sen. Rand Paul said he doesn’t believe Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s diagnosis by the U.S. Capitol’s top doctor following a second freezing episode last week.

Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the Capitol’s attending physician, said Mr. McConnell’s latest on-camera immobility was caused by “lightheadedness” while recovering from a concussion suffered earlier this year from a fall, and that dehydration may have played a role.

“Everybody’s seen the clips,” Mr. Paul, Kentucky Republican and an ophthalmologist by trade, told reporters Tuesday.

“It’s not a valid medical diagnosis for people to say that’s dehydration.”

Dr. Monahan ruled out stroke, seizure, and Parkinson’s disease after speaking with Mr. McConnell’s neurology team and assessing the Kentucky Republican.

Mr. Paul has emerged as one of Mr. McConnell’s most vocal critics, as the Republican leader and his deputies attempt to reassure Republican members that he is fit to continue serving as leader.

“I don’t think it’s been particularly helpful to have the Senate doctor describing it as dehydration, which I think even a non-physician, seeing that, probably aren’t really accepting that explanation,” Mr. Paul said.

“I think it’d be better to be forthcoming about what’s going on with health problems.”

But Mitch isn’t alone, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and John Fetterman (D-PA) have also had their run ins with health issues and mental incapacity.

And that’s to say nothing about Joe Biden.

This is just par for the course.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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