The GOP Senate has selected their new majority leader. But he’s already put himself in a corner.
Because the new U.S. Senate Majority Leader is on the hot seat after these Trump comments.
The Republican Party leader in the Congressional Upper Chamber, John Thune (R-SD), will have his hands full as soon as his position becomes official in January. He wasn’t the pick that the Trump voters necessarily wanted, as they were eyeing someone like Rick Scott to lead the Republicans in the Senate instead.
In any case, he’s the man who will be in the position to get the GOP members in the Senate together to pass through Trump nominations to the executive branch and the judicial branch as well as critical legislative bills. There’s a ton of work to be done, and fast.
John Thune will be expected to deliver, especially after these comments he’s made in support for the Trump agenda. He’s making it sound like he will be behind Donald Trump heart and soul, so it will be up to him to follow through or be disgraced as yet another untrustworthy RINO.
John Thune’s Agenda: Will He Deliver on Trump’s Promises?
As Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) prepares to take on a larger leadership role in the new Congress, conservatives are cautiously watching to see whether his actions will match his rhetoric. With Republicans set to control both the Senate and the House in the upcoming session, Thune has laid out an ambitious agenda, signaling a potential shift from the failed policies of the Biden administration. However, given Thune’s past record, many are questioning whether he can truly be relied upon to deliver on the promises that President-Elect Donald Trump has made to the American people.
“Now the real work begins delivering on our agenda,” Thune said in a floor speech on Thursday. “That starts with ending the Biden-Harris border crisis and deporting illegal immigrants.” Thune’s words echo a key part of Trump’s agenda — securing the southern border and enforcing immigration laws — but there’s a history of establishment Republicans like Thune talking a big game without following through. Under the Biden administration, the border crisis has worsened, but Thune has often been part of the GOP establishment that talks tough on immigration while failing to enact meaningful change when in power.
Thune’s leadership could be pivotal in turning the tide on immigration reform. Yet, his track record in the Senate has raised doubts. Will he stick to his promises, or will he fall into the same pattern of inaction that has frustrated conservative voters for years? Given that Thune is part of the same GOP leadership that has often been accused of being too passive on issues like border security, there is understandable skepticism among those who expect swift action to end the border crisis.
In addition to immigration reform, Thune has vowed to prioritize the renewal of key provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which was championed by Trump. The tax cuts are set to expire in 2025, and Thune has promised to use the budget reconciliation process to push through a renewal. This could be a significant victory for conservatives, but once again, there are concerns.
The budget reconciliation process may help Republicans bypass filibusters, but Thune’s commitment to using it effectively will be tested. In the past, GOP leadership has sometimes hesitated to push hard for tax relief, and many wonder if Thune will truly fight for the tax cuts, or if he’ll simply pay lip service to the issue and avoid a confrontation with Democrats.
“Now the real work begins delivering on our agenda,” Thune said again, sounding confident. But will he? Thune also promised a break from the leadership style of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), a figure who has long been criticized by many in the GOP for his top-down approach. Thune plans to create a more inclusive environment in the Senate and give more power to individual members, particularly in the amendment process. He declared, “All members of the Senate, and not just the members of a particular committee, should have a voice in final legislation through amendments on the floor. Members should assume that amendment votes will be the norm.”
While this sounds good on paper, the Senate has long been hampered by a lack of meaningful debate and transparency, and Thune’s promises to change the way amendments are handled will be closely scrutinized. Given Thune’s previous alignment with the GOP establishment, it’s unclear whether he will truly make good on these promises or simply continue the same closed-door, top-down decision-making that has frustrated conservatives in the past.
The Senate, under Thune’s leadership, is also expected to return to “regular order” — a system where spending bills are passed in a more orderly fashion, avoiding last-minute, chaotic spending deals. Thune’s pledge to restore this process is a welcome one, but again, his actions will speak louder than words. The dysfunction of the past Congress has been a recurring issue, and the idea of returning to regular order sounds promising, but will Thune be willing to take on the entrenched interests that benefit from the status quo?
Thune has also made it clear that confirming President Trump’s judicial and cabinet nominees will be a high priority. “Members should expect an aggressive schedule until those nominees are confirmed,” he said. While judicial confirmations are a critical part of Trump’s legacy, there is concern that Thune might fall short of the kind of aggressive push needed to ensure that conservative judges are swiftly confirmed. Given the Senate’s history of dragging its feet on judicial confirmations, conservatives will be watching closely to see if Thune can actually deliver.
Finally, Thune has promised to work closely with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and President Trump to ensure that the GOP delivers on its agenda. While this sounds like a great opportunity for a united front, Thune’s past record of going along with establishment leadership raises doubts. Will Thune truly fight for Trump’s agenda, or will he compromise behind the scenes like so many Republicans before him?
Thune’s words are certainly bold, but they are just words for now. Conservatives want action, not just rhetoric. The question remains: will Thune break from the establishment mold and actually deliver on the promises he’s making, or will he prove to be just another GOP leader who talks tough but fails to act when it counts?
The coming months will tell whether Thune can be trusted to follow through on his promises, or whether he will become just another establishment Republican who falls short of the change America desperately needs.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.