Shocking attack on U.S. Congresswoman put Capitol Hill on lockdown

Politics is a dangerous game. And you never know when your number is up.

And now a shocking attack on a U.S. Congresswoman put Capitol Hill on lockdown.

On Thursday evening, New York’s most prominent national Democrats faced a variety of protests, including being told not to speak and having their offices blocked by irate activists.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was yelled at by two men dissatisfied with her work in Congress shortly after mounting the stage at a town hall she was addressing in Queens, accusing her of just caring “about illegal aliens.”

The two males who were removed from the venue by police referred to her as a “scrub” and accused her of not caring about her constituency.

One of the males also labeled her a “disgrace” before being drowned out by “AOC” chants from the audience.

After the demonstrators were removed from the venue, Ocasio-Cortez dismissed them, declaring “clearly” that her New York City district was “in favor of progressive immigration policy.”

Her town hall took place the same day she launched her candidacy for reelection.

Protesters in another borough of New York City closed off Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) Manhattan offices in opposition to their policies on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

According to Jewish Voice for Peace NYC, 18 of its protestors were arrested on Thursday after blocking the entrance to a building where both New York senators have offices.

The group is urging Schumer and Gillibrand to “dump” their backing for the pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee and instead “support a ceasefire in Gaza.”

More than a dozen Democratic members of Congress called for a cease-fire in Gaza in a letter to President Joe Biden on Thursday, but Schumer and Gillibrand were not among them, nor were they among those calling for an end to Israel’s operation launched in response to Hamas’ terrorist attacks on October 7.

The Manhattan protests are part of a bigger movement of pro-Palestinian demonstrators making their demands known, which began last October.

Many brawls have broken out during that time, including in New York City during the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center.

What has this country come to when people here are supporting the Hamas terrorists who massacred thousands?

Something has to give.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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