Republicans need to weed out the Democrat enablers from the true conservatives. It’s been years and Americans are tired of it.
And now Ted Cruz just pulled back the curtain on an awful RINO plot in Congress.
American conservatives are worn out.
For years we’ve been sold a bill of goods by the establishment Republicans who promised to fight for our values.
What do we have to show for it?
Social ideologies pushed on our children, a world on fire with conflict, and a border crisis that is getting worse by the day.
The few true conservative politicians who speak out are chastised for not “coming to the table.”
But that paradigm may be shifting. And RINOs may get thrown out of the driver’s seat.
Sen. Ted Cruz chastised Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for making his “worst” mistake by backing the bipartisan border agreement and called for his resignation.
“Look, I think it is well past time. I think there have been a lot of enormous mistakes. But this mistake was the worst,” Mr. Cruz told Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney on Thursday.
“And throughout this battle, he goes out, and what he is saying is benefiting [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer and the Democrats.”
Senate Republicans blocked the package on Wednesday, saying they would only accept increased money to Ukraine and Israel if it was related to border security.
Mr. McConnell supported the bill until it became evident that its provisions for admitting at least 4,000 illegal immigrants per day would fail in the House.
Mr. Cruz claimed the bipartisan plan attempted to “give political camouflage to Chuck Schumer and the Democrats,” which he described as a “grave mistake.”
The Texas Republican claimed that Mr. Schumer, a New York Democrat, never meant to secure the border.
“The reason he did it is Schumer wanted this to fail. Why? Because every single Democrat running for office, every Democrat Senate candidate, every Democrat House candidate is now out saying, ‘Gosh, I wanted to secure the border, but the mean old Republicans wouldn’t let us.’ And that was spectacularly stupid.”
He added, “Mitch McConnell is saying the exact same thing that Chuck Schumer is. I think that is malpractice for the leader of a party in the Senate.”
Mr. McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, responded to Mr. Cruz’s call for his resignation on Tuesday, saying, “I think we can all agree Senator Cruz is not a fan.”
Mr. Cruz stated that he will not vote for any standalone Ukraine aid proposals until the illegal immigration crisis is addressed.
“My view is, it is important that Russia lose. It is important that Putin lose,” he said.
“It is more important that we secure our own border and defend our nation. And so my position has been I am more than willing to fund aid to Ukraine. I voted for every military aid fund bill for Ukraine so far, but I will fund aid to Ukraine after we secure our own border. We will secure Ukraine’s border only after America’s border is secured.”
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.