The past few months have been rough for President Biden. And it’s only getting worse.
Because now the U.S. Senate has sent Joe Biden this blistering rebuke to his desk that you have to read about.
Back in August of 2022, Joe Biden finally announced an executive order to outright cancel millions upon millions of dollars in student debt for American citizens.
He promised that each eligible citizen would get $10,000 of student debt forgiven like it never happened.
Many Americans were astute enough to see through this game and that he was likely trying to give Democrats a boost ahead of the 2022 midterms considering that every legal expert has said that a blanket forgiveness order would be on shaky legal ground.
Many others pointed out how unfair that is to just dole out thousands of dollars to some Americans in the form of debt payments just because they went to school and racked up debt.
The Biden handout has been making its way through the courts with it now being reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
There are no indications which way the Highest Court in the land will rule, but the ruling is expected sometime this summer.
But if Joe Biden was banking on the Supreme Court upholding his executive order, he now has another huge problem that could flip his world upside down.
The U.S. Senate has now voted to repeal the Biden student loan forgiveness plan in a stunning 52-46 vote that saw both Republicans and Democrats support the measure.
The bill to stop Biden from cancelling student loan debt with taxpayer dollars has now passed both the House and the Senate.
The legislation will need to head to Joe Biden’s desk for signature, where he will most certainly veto the bill.
What’s critical, though, is that there seems to be enough growing support to possibly override Joe Biden’s veto should push come to shove.
Democrats Joe Manchin (D-W VA), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) all voted for the bill in the U.S. Senate.
Sure, another 14 votes would be hard to find to override Joe Biden’s veto. But keep in mind that the debt ceiling fight is currently being waged in Congress as well.
In the wake of that, politicians in Congress will feel the pressure to chill on the insane spending spree that the federal government has been on lately.
If there’s one thing that’s, sadly, always true about politicians, it’s that they will almost always cave to pressure to make sure their appearance of being a sound legislator is kept in order.
That goes for both Democrats and Republicans.
Sure, it’s unlikely that the bill goes anywhere beyond Joe Biden’s inevitable veto from the Oval Office.
All of this may be moot anyway if the Supreme Court rules Biden’s executive order to be unconstitutional.
But don’t count out the possibility that Democrats will be worried about the pushback they’ll get from back home in their districts if they don’t vote for an override.
Crazier things have happened.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.