U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed extremist. He’s truly communist at his core.
That’s why the Senate chamber erupted when he gave Senate Republicans a huge win.
The pick of J.D. Vance to be Donald Trump’s running mate makes a lot of political sense. He really is just a fairly normal guy out of Ohio. Well, as normal as guys out of Ohio can get. (We’re just joking, of course.) He really is pro-family and wants to give relief to the American people. That’s why Donald Trump picked him.
Trump has been focused on giving the Republican Party a makeover that puts the focus back on the American people and hearing what’s important to them. His proposal of “No Taxes On Tips” is a prime example of this new emphasis on making the government work for the People, and not the other way around.
So with the bill that has the Child Tax Credit measure in it coming up for a vote, it was hotly anticipated to see how J.D. Vance would vote and how the rest of the Republican members of the Senate would vote as well. So how did it go down? Well with a little bit of chaos.
The U.S. Senate struck down the bill, but most Republicans voted against the bill saying the Child Tax Credit actually doesn’t go far enough. They say that the bill needs to do even more to provide tax relief for families with dependent children.
“This is obviously an unserious effort,” U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said about the bill. “It’s obviously just a show vote. And I think we can do much better next year,” he added.
All but three Republicans voted against the bill or didn’t cast a vote. But that’s not the big surprise. The big surprise is that even the “communist” Independent Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, voted against the bill. U.S. Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia also voted against the bill.
Bernie Sanders has been saying in the media recently that he also supports an expanded Child Tax Credit measure, as some Republicans have said when they are asked why they voted no on this measure. Even Bernie Sanders knows this bill was really just all theater. All bark and no bite.
We will win — and win big — in November if we campaign on the economic agenda that working people across this country want, including:
– A higher minimum wage
– Expanded Social Security benefits
– An expanded child tax credit
– Vision, dental, and hearing covered by Medicare pic.twitter.com/95WS3cP3E9— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 23, 2024
Ultimately, this means the result was a rare instance in which Bernie Sanders actually locked arms with his Republican colleagues to stop a bill that many were skeptical was good enough to give a “yea” vote to.
A Renewed Focus On Finances of American Families
Since J.D. Vance has been named the Vice President running mate for Donald Trump, he’s spent a ton of time talking about how the American federal government needs to incentivize good family habits by providing as much relief as possible by way of increased Child Tax Credits and lower tax brackets.
Suddenly, this has made him a villain of the radical Left for daring to suggest that it’s a good thing to incentivize Americans to have healthy family structures and do something as mundane as having kids. Newsflash, the only way the human race continues is to have kids.
Biden lowered taxes for people with children by raising the child tax deduction. Biden keeps bragging about it as one of his great accomplishments. But when Vance suggests the same thing—lower taxes for people with kids—the media turns it into a hate crime. 😒 https://t.co/vrCYUpbhVG
— Adam Friended (@Friended4Ever) July 26, 2024
Ultimately, if pressure is put on both parties to provide substantial financial relief to middle class and low class American families, then the end benefit is nothing but positive.
Some would argue that, at one point, the Democrat Party of old was actually interested in defending the little guy and defending the hard-working families who just want to get by without taking on yet another job.
If that was a real characterization of the Democrat Party today, that’s not the same one in America today. The truth is, Democrats would love to pass this mild Child Tax Credit and point to it for the rest of their careers as evidence of how much they love to support American families.
Meanwhile, it’s the other 99 policies they support and push in Congress that are breaking the backs of American families with skyrocketing inflation and a worsening housing crisis.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.