President Biden touts his “deep faith” every chance he gets. But his Church has had enough of it.
And these Bishops smacked “devout Catholic” Joe Biden with a landmark loss.
Anybody who has knows even a little bit about the Catholic Church knows that Joe Biden couldn’t be further from its teachings.
Joe Biden supports “gender transition” for children. Meanwhile, the Holy Father, Pope Francis said “Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations” in a March interview this year.
Biden supports abortion-on-demand until birth. Pope Francis has equated it to hiring a hitman in a 2019 speech.
Needless to say, Biden uses the veil of religion to justify his agenda. For him, his religion must conform to his politics.
But the Catholic Bishops have been speaking out about Joe Biden’s scandalizing views.
And now they’re handing him another defeats.
After the United States Senate approved a rule allowing abortions at VA medical centers, the archbishop of the military services issued a scathing letter condemning the Senate and the Biden administration.
The Senate voted 51-48 to uphold the new regulation, which requires VA medical clinics to offer abortions when the mother’s life or health is in danger, or in situations of rape or incest, regardless of state limitations.
The VA will also provide abortion counseling in medical facilities. There are no conscience safeguards for doctors or other health care workers who disagree to conducting abortions under the rule.
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said in a pastoral statement that the Senate’s vote had “deeply saddened” him.
Broglio also criticized a Department of Defense regulation that reimburses taxpayers for employees, wives, and dependents who travel to another state to obtain an abortion if they are stationed in a state with abortion restrictions.
“The policy and rule, now in effect, are morally repugnant and incongruent with the Gospel, which the faithful are commissioned to share throughout the world (Mt 28:19),” Broglio wrote.
“Moreover, the new DOD policy and VA rule fail to incorporate basic conscience protections, thus creating First Amendment pitfalls for military commanders and VA employees.”
Broglio referenced Pope Francis, who urged Catholics to reject to engage in abortion.
“With this letter, I implore the faithful of this archdiocese to continue to advocate for human life and to refuse any participation in the evil of abortion,” the archbishop said.
“As Pope Francis instructs, our defense of the innocent unborn must be ‘clear, firm, and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development.’ He has referred to the crime of abortion as hiring a hitman.”
Christians, according to Broglio, “must also be mindful of our Christian duty to exercise radical solidarity with mothers and families experiencing a challenging pregnancy.”
He also urged “wide participation in, and support for, compassionate, post-abortive healing ministries, such as Project Rachel, so that those who have experienced abortion may receive healing and spiritual renewal through Christ’s infinite mercy.”
Some Republican lawmakers have expressed dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s military abortion policies. In protest of the rules, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Alabama, has launched a campaign to halt military appointments that require Senate approval.
Biden can’t escape the flak whether from his Bishops or his political enemies.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.