President Biden’s running out of time to turn his image around. If anything, it’s getting worse.
Because Joe Biden was just outright laughed at by voters when asked this one very simple question.
It may seem strange, but undecided voters are very real and they have a huge impact on elections to this day. Politics have become more polarized than ever but millions of Americans are on the fence in battleground states and they make all the difference.
In fact, the reason Donald Trump won in 2016 was because he was able to flip a number of 2012 Barack Obama voters. It was a mathematical reality that Donald Trump needed to bring Obama voters into his corner, and he did exactly that. His political outsider persona and his anti-establishment sentiment worked.
So when the 2020 election dust settled and Joe Biden was inaugurated in January of 2021, it was a bit strange to think of the possibility of Trump rematching Biden in 2024. Though that’s what we are likely going to get, unless a figurative asteroid hits the nation.
Initially, one might suggest that Biden has the upper hand. That would probably be the case under normal circumstances, but the factors at play in the 2024 election cycle are entirely different from 2020.
One such factor? The economy. In 2020, the economy was in a bad state of limbo with the pandemic panic serving as the biggest threat to economic stimulation. Today in 2024, the economy continues to flounder and it only seems to be getting worse. Joe Biden doesn’t have Donald Trump and a pandemic panic to blame, either.
Voters aren’t letting him off the hook either. In fact, recently, a panel of undecided voters outright laughed when asked about Joe Biden’s record on the economy.
MSNBC put together a panel of undecided voters from critical battleground states that will end up deciding the 2024 presidential election, and their answers surprised everyone at the news outlet.
At first, the panelists shared the unsurprising notion that they like Joe Biden’s views on abortion more than Donald Trump. No doubt, Donald Trump has not done a good job of correctly messaging on the abortion issue.
What was surprising is that these undecided voters essentially all agreed that there wasn’t much else redeeming about Joe Biden that makes them think he was deserving of a second term in the Oval Office.
When asked about the economy, one panelist by the name of Nathan said that Joe Biden has been a “disaster” on the economy and that the nation was better of with a Trump-led economy instead.
“I think he’s been absolutely disastrous for the economy,” Nathan from Wisconsin shared on the panel.
Then, when MSNBC asked who on the panel felt as though their financial situation was better off with Trump as president than Biden, all of the panelists agreed by raising their hands.
The very best part of this was that immediately after, the MSNBC reporter said that Joe Biden believes that his record on the economy has been quite strong compared to Donald Trump’s. At which, everyone on the panel laughed at the thought.
Watch the clip below. The bit with the panelists starts at around the 4 minute mark:
Many of the panelists noted how they don’t believe Joe Biden cares or even wants to take any responsibility for the economic disaster he’s created as president. It’s all just gaslighting.
“I feel like he doesn’t even take accountability at all with what’s going on,” an undecided voter from Pennsylvania shared. “Not even accountability, like he’s in denial that it’s happening.”
In fact, Omar, a Michigan citizen and Biden sympathizer, said himself that Joe Biden is “gaslighting” the American people on issues like the economy.
The economy is the number one predictor of how a presidential election is going to swing. It’s usually what causes incumbents to get kicked to the curb instead of getting a second term in the Oval Office.
Based on how poorly Americans are viewing the Biden economy, it would be no surprise if he loses to the man he already “beat” in 2020.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.