Former President Barack Obama is not going away. His influence in the Democrat Party is still potent.
And what he just did for Joe Biden is simply shocking.
With almost $2 million raised at a recent major Democrat fundraiser, former President Barack Obama has swiftly become the most prominent advocate for President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign.
Reportedly more than any other fundraisers for incumbent Democrat Joe Biden, this fundraiser raked in an eye-watering $2.6 million by offering anyone who donated the opportunity to win a meeting with Obama and Biden. Obama has been a major asset to the campaign because of his continued popularity amongst the Democrat base.
A new campaign video features him prominently, emphasizing the increasing importance in guaranteeing the reelection of his former Vice President and right-hand man.
In the fundraising pitch, Obama warned potential contributors, “Our democracy depends on you,” evoking the same rhetoric as the Biden campaign, which has been emphasizing democracy and the dangers allegedly posed by Trump.
“It really does, folks, that’s no joke,” Biden clarified. “That’s why we need you.”
“We need your help to ensure Joe’s leadership continues to guide us forward,” the former president added.
“The other side won’t rest,” Obama asserted. “So we can’t, either,” he added, hammering home the point that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris couldn’t win without an influx of campaign donations.
According to campaign officials who spoke with NBC News, once the numbers for the last quarter of 2023 fundraising were in, the total amount would be at least $70 million. The Biden campaign has not yet made these figures public.
Although Obama’s involvement in Biden’s fundraising effort has grown, he has not accompanied him to campaign events where he may meet with people.
This development is huge because there’s been many reports coming out in recent weeks and months demonstrating how Barack Obama, and Obama’s former admin allies, are very skeptical about Joe Biden’s ability to win the 2024 election.
One such report even went so far as to note that when Obama officials and Biden officials were at a Democrat Party event together, they refused to talk to each other entirely and specifically avoided each other.
Barack Obama, himself, has even said that he believes that Trump has a real chance at making the most incredible political comeback in U.S. history by winning a second term in the White House this November.
He’s absolutely right, of course. Donald Trump is currently dominating the Republican Primary polls, and voters who are surveyed about whether they’d vote for Trump or Biden in a hypothetical matchup are overwhelmingly saying they’d vote for Trump.
Some polls show Trump with a ten point lead over Joe Biden should they meet again in the general election season, as they are much expected to at this point.
Barack Obama likely knows this and is probably just trying to help his former partner-in-crime as much as he can, especially as the outlook is bleak.
That even includes being paraded around like a toy for Democrat donors to get the chance to win.
Something about that smells a lot like political influence peddling that the Biden family is apparently extremely familiar with.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.