Biden campaign went on CNN and gets thrown a silencing curveball of a question

CNN usually gives softball questions to Democrats. Especially presidential candidates.

But the Biden campaign was hit with a curveball question on CNN that they never saw coming.

For several weeks now, the Democrat Party, Democrat-controlled media, and the Democrat activist base has been panicking about the fact that Donald Trump’s support is growing and improving in the polls and surveys as we inch closer to the 2024 election.

Just turn on CNN or MSNBC and you’ll find some talking heads saying that Joe Biden and his Democrat allies need to face the facts and admit they are underwater. Others are desperately trying to cope and deny the fact that Trump is clearly ahead of where they thought he would be getting this close to the election.

What you’ll find is that the closer you get to the Joe Biden circle, the more likely they are to deny that Biden is underperforming and that Donald Trump is very much in play for winning a second term in the White House.

This much was made obvious by the way a top Joe Biden campaign official just went on CNN and tried to sidestep a curveball question he wasn’t expecting to receive from from the Leftist news outlet.

Tight Presidential Race: Trump Leads Despite Legal Woes

In a recent interview on CNN’s Inside Politics, Manu Raju engaged President Joe Biden’s campaign co-chair, Mitch Landrieu, in a discussion about the unexpectedly close presidential race between Biden and former President Donald Trump. Despite Trump’s extensive legal issues, including a felony conviction in May, he is currently ahead of Biden by a slim margin of 0.5% in the RealClearPolling national average.

Raju pressed Landrieu on why the Biden campaign has not managed to gain a more substantial lead given Trump’s legal troubles. Highlighting Trump’s 34 felony convictions and liability for s*xual abuse, Raju questioned why these factors haven’t given Biden a decisive advantage.

Landrieu responded by challenging the basis of Raju’s question, emphasizing the stark contrast between the two candidates. He painted Trump as self-centered and vindictive, whereas he portrayed Biden as a champion for the American people, committed to protecting freedoms, democracy, and reducing costs.

Despite the Biden campaign’s efforts to brand Trump as a threat to democracy, polling data from the Washington Post-Schar School reveals that 38% of undecided voters in six key swing states trust Trump more on this issue, compared to 29% who favor Biden. This has contributed to the tight race, prompting Raju to repeatedly ask why the Biden campaign isn’t pulling ahead.

“The people of America are going to very soon have a choice between Donald Trump, who wakes up every day thinking about himself, thinking about his billionaire friends, and then thinks about how he’s going to hurt people that he thinks have hurt him. Joe Biden wakes up fighting for the American people, making sure that we’re going to protect people’s freedoms, protect democracy and lower cost,” Landrieu said in response.

Landrieu reiterated that the election is still months away and that building a successful campaign takes time, effort, and resources. He expressed confidence that voters will choose Biden on Election Day, stressing the importance of ongoing campaign efforts, both on the ground and through fundraising.

“Elections take a lot of time, they take a lot of effort and they take a lot of work and you have to build a team to actually make that happen. That case is being made as we speak. Polls come, polls go,” Landrieu added, sounding somewhat worried about the current state of affairs.

Political analyst Frank Luntz noted the surprising competitiveness of the race, especially in Minnesota, where Trump lost in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. Currently, Biden holds a narrow lead of 1.7% over Trump in a two-way race in the state, according to the RealClearPolling average.

Luntz highlighted the significance of Trump’s strong performance in the polls despite his felony convictions. “Just ten years ago, such legal issues would have ended any candidate’s campaign,” he remarked. “The fact that Trump remains competitive, and in some cases even leads Biden, is truly remarkable.”

As the election draws nearer, both campaigns are intensifying their efforts to sway undecided voters and solidify their support bases, setting the stage for what promises to be a closely contested race.

But if the Democrats keep putting their head in the sand, they will be embarrassed by Donald Trump running away with the 2024 election in a landslide.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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