Biden is shaking in fear as Donald Trump was handed this game changing victory

The presidential election has been looking like it will come down to the wire. But things may be starting to shift.

And Biden is shaking in fear as Donald Trump was handed this game changing victory.

Biden’s goose may finally be cooked. He’s been trying to pick up steam in this race and it’s just not happening.

Now he’s been handed a major loss that is a big boon for Donald Trump.

A recent study found that more Americans trust former President Donald Trump to handle the three important election-year concerns of the economy, immigration, and crime than they do Joe Biden.

The ABC News/Ipsos survey indicated that Trump had a huge advantage on the three key topics, with the former president leading by 14 points on the economy and inflation, as well as a stunning 17 points when respondents were asked which candidate they trust more to handle immigration.

When it comes to crime and safety, Trump leads Biden by eight points.

Polls show that the three topics are among the most pressing worries for voters as the November presidential election approaches, with this ABC/Ipsos poll essentially confirming past findings.

According to the survey, 88 percent of respondents claimed that economic issues influenced their voting decision, while 85 percent said the same about inflation.

Crime and immigration were also determined to be very important in Americans’ voting selections, at 77% and 69%, respectively.

When asked who they trust to handle the fight between Israel and Hamas, people gave Trump an 8-point lead. Meanwhile, Biden led by 5 points on healthcare and 12 points on abortion.

Trump led the Democratic incumbent in the poll overall, with 46 percent support to Biden’s 44 percent after those who said they did not plan to vote in November were omitted.

Respondents were also asked which of the two candidates had superior “mental sharpness” and “physical health,” with Trump outscoring Biden by 19 and 22 points, respectively.

The ABC/Ipsos poll, which received responses from 2,260 Americans between April 25th and April 30th, is just the latest public opinion survey to show the Democratic incumbent at a considerable disadvantage.

Polls show that Trump leads in Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, the seven key swing states that will almost probably decide the November election.

According to a number of polls, Biden is losing support among Americans on important subjects like immigration.

In a recent study, only 20% of voters believed that the United States now controls its own border.

Other polls have revealed that respondents believe immigration is the most serious problem confronting the country, and Biden’s performance on the border has earned him the lowest issue-specific approval rating.

Americans tend to like Trump’s immigration policy, with a new poll showing that just over half approve of wholesale deportation of illegal immigrants.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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