Biden suffers massive hemorrhage and the results are terrifying

Joe Biden has seen his better days in the past. But things just got real.

Because Biden suffered a massive hemorrhage and the results are terrifying.

In a recent CNN segment, Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten and host John Berman admitted that President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging support among America’s young voters at an alarming rate.

Enten and Berman discussed the latest poll results in a video posted by the Trump War Room and reposted on social media by political journalist Benny Johnson.

“Biden won this group by thirty-two points last cycle over Donald Trump,” Enten stated. “Look at where the polling is now.”

According to CNN, Biden is ahead in the polls by only 7 points among voters aged 18 to 25, compared to a 32-point edge in 2020.

“That is a drop of twenty-five percentage points,” Enten stated.

Berman continued: “That is a huge swing, the likes of which the Biden campaign has to be a little nervous about.”

This is not the first time CNN has documented Biden’s decline in support among Generation Z. On May 23, Fox News uploaded a video of Enten highlighting Biden’s performance as an incumbent.

“Everybody is saying that Donald Trump is doing ‘weak, weak, weak,’ but it’s actually Joe Biden in my mind that is doing ‘weak, weak, weak’ in the primaries,” Enten said.

According to CNN, Biden’s campaign is underperforming since he received only 87% of the votes in the presidential primary as an incumbent, compared to Trump’s 94% in 2020.

“That is actually the lowest for any candidate since George H. W. Bush,” Enten said.

“And I remember that George H. W. Bush actually lost reelection to Bill Clinton in the fall.”

Additionally, on May 15, CNN Senior Political Analyst Ronald Brownstein wrote about the growing tendency of Americans favoring Trump’s tenure.

“From the 2021 CNN survey until last month’s poll,” Brownstein pointed out, “the share of people who termed Trump’s presidency a success increased more for women than for men; more for people of color than for White voters; more among working-age adults than seniors; and more among Democratic voters than Republican.”

Brownstein noted that Biden’s reelection campaign included reminding young people of Trump’s “record.”

“Refreshing voters about Trump’s prior record could add weight to all of Biden’s warnings about his future plans,” according to Brownstein:

What’s less clear is whether enough voters will make their decisions in November based on those concerns as opposed to the issues where polls show they now express more faith in Trump than Biden, such as inflation, the border and crime.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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