After the Arizona election was marred with issues and possible corruption, Republicans across the country called foul. Democrats’ slim victory could be reversed overnight.
And Democrats are screaming after Republican Kari Lake was handed this massive election lawsuit victory.
The Left has spent the past few few years framing every conservative who questions the integrity of America elections as an “election denier” or, worse, a fascist.
Of course they don’t point to the multitude of Democrats who refused to accept Donald Trump as the legitimate president, including Hillary Clinton.
And they never mention Democrats like Stacey Abrams who ran her entire 2022 campaign on the lie that she was cheated out of the Georgia governorship in 2018.
That’s because the thought crimes the Left creates are only used against their political enemies in the conservative movement.
But that didn’t stop Republicans from bringing lawsuits against Arizona after the election anomalies popped up in the recent November midterms.
And a Maricopa County judge determined Monday that Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake will have her day in court during the 2022 midterm elections to dispute the county’s ballot chain of custody and the effectiveness of voting machine tabulators and printers.
Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight additional allegations made by Lake in the case, but he stated that a ballot inspection might take place on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m., after Lake requested that Maricopa County officials turn over various election-related documents.
“It should proceed to trial,” said Kurt Olden, who represented Lake in court, according to a local Fox affiliate. “The people should get to see,” adding the suit is about “restoring trust in our election system.”
“The kind of debacle that happened on November 8 should never happen,” Olden said. “There are processes in place to make sure it doesn’t, and the defendants did not follow those processes — that’s the point, Your Honor.”
Lake says that widespread polling concerns in Maricopa County disenfranchised voters on Election Day when Recorder Stephen Richer and Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates instructed voters to cast ballots in secure drop boxes or at a different site.
Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs won almost 17,000 more votes statewide than Lake.
“Lake received the greatest number of votes and is entitled to be named the winner,” the lawsuit reads. “Alternately, the election must be re-done in Maricopa County to eliminate the effects of maladministration and illegal votes on the vote tallies reported by Maricopa County.”
Maricopa County, the state’s most populous county, experienced significant challenges during the November 8 election, including printing and tabulation machine malfunctions in at least 70 of the county’s 223 polling stations. On Election Day, Lake reports there were tabulator problems at over 59% of the county’s voting locations.
Lake’s request to inspect some ballots within the county beginning on Election Day was approved by the court.
Among the ballots will be 150 randomly selected early ballots, “ballot-on-demand” printed ballots, and “ballot-on-demand” printed votes marked as spoilt on Election Day from six Maricopa County vote centers selected by Lake’s agent.
Hobbs’ lawyers said that her former opponent’s charges are unsubstantiated.
“In the end, Your Honor, if there is anything rotten in Arizona, it is what this contest represents,” said Abha Khanna, according to local media. “For the past several years our democracy and its basic guiding principles have been under sustained assault from candidates who just cannot or will not accept the fact that they lost.”
Maricopa County attorneys reportedly argued that voter affidavits showed they had to wait in longer-than-normal lines to cast their ballots, but they denounced any election misconduct or evidence to support such fraudulent claims, including Lake’s lawyers misunderstood how the county’s chain-of-custody process works.
“This allegation is false, and will be easily disproven by the County if necessary,” Maricopa County lawyers wrote. “Plaintiff reviewed the County’s Early Voting Ballot Transport Statements, but the chain of custody documents for election day are different because the process for early ballot delivery is different on election day.”
Following Thompson’s decision, Lake rushed to Twitter to blast legacy media.
“The Fake News is in FULL Desperation-Mode,” Lake said in a tweet. “These headlines are almost comical. Bottom line—our Election Case is going to Trial starting on Wednesday. @KatieHobbs & @stephen richer will be taking the stand.”
“Buckle up, America,” Lake warned in a subsequent tweet. “This is far from over,” she said, referring to Hobb’s failed bid to have her former opponent’s case dismissed.
Republican Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem and Republican Attorney General candidate Abe Hamadeh have also filed lawsuits in connection with the contentious election.
According to the Epoch Times, a Maricopa County Superior Court employee indicated the judge would most likely announce his decision during a scheduled meeting on December 22.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.