‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden smacked with disastrous news from his own Church

The president is anything but a faithful Christian. Now people are starting to see him for what he truly is.

And ‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden was smacked with disastrous news from his own Church.

A new poll by CatholicVote reveals that Catholic voters in five critical battleground states favor former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden by a notable margin of 17 points.

Furthermore, approximately two-thirds of those surveyed believe Biden “should not be running for reelection.”

The July 2 poll, conducted by TH2 Strategies and commissioned by CatholicVote, surveyed Catholic voters in the pivotal swing states of Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — all of which Biden won in 2020.

When asked about their “presidential candidate preference,” 47.61% of the voters chose Trump, while only 30.85% selected Biden.

Support for third-party candidates remained minimal, with 4.36% backing independent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and 1.88% opting for another third-party candidate.

The poll found that 15.31% of Catholic voters were “undecided at this time.”

Former Congressman Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D., senior political advisor to CatholicVote, noted the consistency of these results across all five states. “The results are remarkably similar,” he observed.

The poll also addressed the question, “Should Biden be running for reelection?” Nearly two-thirds — 66.40% — answered that he “should not be running,” while only 33.60% believed he “should be running.”

Huelskamp emphasized, “It is a clear, unmistakable no: battleground Catholics do not want their fellow Catholic Joe Biden running for reelection.”

Respondents were categorized into five partisan groups: Strong GOP, Lean GOP, Swing, Lean Democrat, and Strong Democrat.

A significant majority of all groups, except Strong Democrats, indicated that Biden “should not be running.”

Even among Strong Democrat respondents, 40% felt as though Biden “should not be running,” indicating a growing trend of Democrats open to an alternative presidential nominee.

When asked the primary reason why Biden should not be running, 41% cited his “record as president,” while 27.14% expressed concerns about the 81-year-old president’s age.

Additionally, 23.79% were worried about “decisions he might make in office,” and the remaining eight percent had doubts about his ability to campaign effectively in 2024.

“Joe Biden has a Catholic problem,” concluded Huelskamp.

And that shouldn’t be any surprise. Even without Biden’s mental decline, he stands opposed to much of what the Catholic Church teaches.

Whether it’s abortion or gender ideology, he dissents openly and without repentance. It doesn’t even much sense to call him Catholic anymore.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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