Former President Donald Trump is focused on winning back the White House. But there’s one major problem with his plan.
Because Donald Trump signed a document that he is going to live to regret.
Donald Trump said last week that he would be announcing his decision about whether he would attend the Republican primary debates at some point this coming week.
He’s been angling that he doesn’t really want to participate in the debates, and he still may not be willing to, only time will tell.
But if he doesn’t, he may be making a huge mistake for a couple reasons.
Firstly, it’s entirely possible that the voter base doesn’t take too kindly to Donald Trump not participating in the debates with the other Republicans running for office.
Trump participated in 2016, so what would make 2024 any different if he’s not the incumbent?
Donald Trump’s major sticking point has been the fact that he has to sign a pledge that he will support the eventual Republican nominee, even if it’s not himself.
That’s apparently been an issue for the former President because he thinks there’s a few individuals who are running for President as Republicans who shouldn’t be supported in any case whatsoever. He didn’t clarify exactly who they are, but it’s no doubt that the likes of Chris Christie and other RINOs fit the bill.
The problem with Donald Trump not signing the pledge to support the 2024 Republican nominee on the national level is that he already did on the state level when he filed in South Carolina to run for President.
When filing to run for president in South Carolina, former president Donald Trump signed a pledge to accept the eventual 2024 GOP nominee, despite his refusal to sign a similar pledge required by the RNC in order to participate in the first Republican primary debate in August.
Trump’s campaign team said last week that he has formally filed to run for office in South Carolina.
“President Trump officially files to become a candidate in South Carolina after he delivered a rousing speech at the SCGOP Silver Elephant Dinner,” his campaign tweeted.
“President Trump will once again dominate the First in the South Primary on February 24!”
President Trump officially files to become a candidate in South Carolina after he delivered a rousing speech at the SCGOP Silver Elephant Dinner.
President Trump will once again dominate the First in the South Primary on February 24! pic.twitter.com/MoXOpZ8609
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 6, 2023
However, in order to officially register to vote in South Carolina, Trump was had to sign a loyalty promise that is part of the Republican filing form in that state.
The form reads, “I hereby affirm that I generally believe in and intend to support the nominees and platform of the Republican Party in the General Election on November 5, 2024; that I will not knowingly violate any election law or any law defining and prohibiting corrupt and fraudulent practices in campaigns and elections in this state.”
Not signing the pledge as a formality to participate in the debate certainly seems like a bad look if he already signed an identical one to participate in the election in South Carolina.
Maybe Trump decides to participate in the debates after all. We’ll certainly find out soon enough.
But if he does end up attending the debate, it would seem to be much ado about nothing.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.