Donald Trump’s genius maneuver takes the breath away of the political establishment

Former President Trump is pulling out all the stops. He is all in on 2024.

And his latest genius election maneuver has completely blown away the Washington, D.C. establishment.

With all of Congress and the White House on the table and up for grabs this year for either of the major political parties, surely this election cycle was always going to be as hot as it could get. It’s certainly lived up to that hype, and there’s still more than four months left before Americans head to the ballot box.

With how important this election is, pretty much all of the “safe” moves are being thrown out the window. This has resulted in anomalies popping up left and right, indicating that the regular election battle lines are being redrawn right before our very eyes.

Good for Donald Trump, most of these “anomalies” are going in his favor. The minority voting blocs are shifting heavily into his favor, far more than any former Republican running for president has enjoyed in decades. Not only that, but now there’s reports that union and blue-collar voting blocs are shifting into Donald Trump’s favor as well.

To make matters worse for the Democrats, Donald Trump is reportedly zeroing in on potentially flipping a reliably blue state that no one ever thought he could possibly win in a million years. That state is none other than the Democrat hotbed of Minnesota.

Trump Narrows the Gap with Biden in Minnesota: A Surprising Turn in the 2024 Election

In a surprising development, pollster Frank Luntz highlighted on Wednesday the remarkable performance of former President Donald Trump in Minnesota, traditionally a Democratic stronghold, against President Joe Biden. Despite Trump’s previous losses in the state during the 2016 and 2020 elections, the latest RealClearPolling average shows Biden leading Trump by a mere 2.3% in a two-way race.

Speaking on CNN News Central, Luntz underscored the significance of this tight race, particularly in a state with a strong Democratic voting history. “To me, it’s not that Donald Trump is winning so big in Iowa. That’s not the story. It’s that he’s making it close in Minnesota,” Luntz remarked. He emphasized the importance of Trump’s performance in Minnesota, pointing out that the state has consistently voted Democrat in presidential elections. “In poll after poll, I see Trump within two or three points in Minnesota. I don’t think the media understands exactly what’s going on right now,” Luntz added.

Luntz also addressed Trump’s resilience in the face of his recent legal troubles. “Yes, Trump dropped a few points after being found guilty on 34 felony counts. But remember this, that would have destroyed any candidate as recently as 10 years ago,” he continued. “And the fact that Donald Trump is still even with, or in some cases leading, Joe Biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies, oh my God, that is so significant.”

In late May, a Manhattan jury convicted Trump on 34 counts of falsifying business documents related to a payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Remarkably, Trump’s campaign reported raising nearly $55 million within 24 hours of the verdict. Nationally, Trump currently holds a slight lead over Biden by 0.8%, according to the RealClearPolling average.

Luntz previously noted in March the importance of Arizona and Nevada as bellwether states in the upcoming election due to their substantial Latino populations, which he believes could be indicative of national trends. “The Latino vote, 20%, can be 20% of the electorate,” Luntz stated. “To me that’s the deciding vote and if they switch in Arizona, in Nevada, I would expect it to be happening nationwide, so watching those two states are my indicator of what’s going to happen in 2024.”

Adding to the unexpected dynamics of the 2024 race, Trump is reportedly gaining significant support among young Black voters. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten recently commented on Trump’s performance with this key demographic, stating the former president is “careening towards a historic performance.”

Enten expressed astonishment at the polling data, noting, “I’m like speechless because you always look at history and you go, ‘okay, this is a historic moment.’ If this polling is anywhere near correct, we’re looking at a historic moment right now, where black voters under the age of 50, which have historically been such a big part of the Democratic coalition, are leaving in droves.”

As the 2024 election approaches, these trends suggest a highly competitive race, with Trump showing unexpected strength in traditionally Democratic territories and among key voter demographics.

Whenever you have longtime political establishment heads like Luntz and those from CNN talking about how Donald Trump is changing the electoral map right before our very eyes, you know it’s something to pay attention to.

The political establishment does not want Donald Trump to change anything. Politicians and their cronies do not want change in general. The status quo is how they continue to give themselves life in the political arena with future re-elections and “opportunities” in Washington, D.C. and in PACs all over the nation.

So when they admit that Trump is turning the election upside down, they’re really just sounding the alarm.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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