The Trump victory was resounding from the start. It’s causing a total meltdown.
Because Donald Trump’s win has forced CNN to now do the unthinkable.
It would be one thing if Donald Trump eked out a victory over Kamala Harris by razor-thin margins. Then, the likes of CNN and MSNBC could keep playing their pearl-clutching game over Donald Trump and keep calling him “literally Hitler” and a “dangerous fascist.” But that card was taken from them.
That card was taken from them because Donald Trump won absolutely loud and clear. It was a landslide that no one saw coming. Zero political pundits were willing to get on camera and say that Donald Trump was going to win the popular vote with a comfortable margin over Kamala Harris. That was not something that was supposed to be in the cards.
The fact that it happened, though, has pretty much stunned everyone covering politics, including yours truly at the DC Daily Journal. The fashion in which Donald Trump won is truly shocking, and you’re seeing it with the way media talking heads throughout ABC, MSNBC, and CNN are just speechless.
CNN anchors, reporters, and data analysts were largely speechless, but one CNN contributor, Scott Jennings, called the election like he saw it. He did the unthinkable and told everyone that this Trump victory meant so much more than just the political fighting over the past eight years. It was about the Americans who feel left behind.
“This is a mandate,” Jennings said. “He’s won the national popular vote for the first time for a Republican since 2004. This is a big deal. This isn’t backing into the office,” referring to how much of a landslide this victory was for Trump and his Republican allies.
“This is a mandate to do what you said you were going to do: get the economy working again for regular working-class Americans, fix immigration, try to get crime under control, try to reduce the chaos in the world,” Mr. Jennings added.
The ‘mandate’ point is one that Donald Trump himself made in his victory speech late that election night. He said he had a mandate to get to work on the issues he talked about, like immigration, the economy, foreign policy affairs and national security.
Jennings went on in his monologue to say that this election was just about Americans who did not want to be called “garbage” or “Nazis” just because they resonated with a candidate in Donald Trump who was giving them a voice. It’s about Americans just trying to live better lives.
“I’m interpreting the results tonight as the revenge of the working-class American, the anonymous American who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to,” he said. “They’re not garbage. They’re not Nazis,” Jennings added while the rest of the CNN crew was dead silent.
“They’re just regular people who get up and go to work every day and are trying to make a better life for their kids. And they feel like they have been told to just shut up when they have complained about the things that are hurting them in their own lives,” Scott Jennings continued.
Lastly, he noted that this was the moment in which the “political information complex” was flipped upside down. The American people clearly don’t trust the media when they make mountains out of molehills but then delegitimize serious issues the American people are facing.
“I also feel like this election as we sit here and pore over this tonight is something of an indictment of the political information complex,” Jennings said, adding that none of the Left’s predictions for this election came true.
“We were told Puerto Rico was going to change the election. Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley voters, women lying to their husbands,” he continued. “Night after night after night, people were told all these things and gimmicks were somehow going to push Harris over the line, and we were just ignoring the fundamentals: inflation, people feeling like they were barely able to tread water at best.”
Scott Jennings is spot on and he’s giving CNN the tough pills to swallow. The truth is that Donald Trump’s victory truly is about just the simple, average American looking at their life now compared to four years ago. That’s all you needed to know to decide who to vote for.
And countless Americans, including formerly Biden and Obama voters, decided that their lives when Trump was President were better. We don’t need to demonize anyone for simply voting for Trump when he connects with them so well.
Maybe, just maybe, Democrats should try connecting with the American people rather than disconnecting from the average American on almost every single major issue. The disaffected Americans have spoken up and they won’t be silent anymore.
Wow Wow Wow
A must listen. pic.twitter.com/kaklpA4ieD
— eve (@eveforamerica) November 6, 2024
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