FBI caught shelling out millions for one disgusting reason


The federal government of this country is rotten to its core. For the first time, we’re seeing just how bad it truly is.

Because the the FBI was just caught shelling out millions for one disgusting reason.

Democrats have built a web of lies over the years that is finally falling apart.

Back in 2016, Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president tried to convince the country that Donald Trump was a Russian asset.

The big lie told by the Left was told over and over again by liberal media outlets as if it were fact.

Of course, none of that was true. And, ironically, the Clinton campaign was using intel from Russian sources to “back up” their claim.

But now we’re learning that the FBI facilitated payments for the intelligence to the delight of the Clintons.

According to a report from Special Counsel John Durham, the FBI offered up to $1 million to Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous anti-Trump “dossier,” for evidence linking Donald Trump to Russia, and paid Steele’s primary subsource hundreds of thousands of dollars even after the source was unable to provide evidence for any of his claims.

On October 3, 2016, embattled FBI agent Brian Auten traveled to Rome to meet with Steele and made the offer while knowing that his dossier depended heavily on one person, or “subsource.” The Bureau subsequently paid that “subsource,” Igor Danchenko, $220,000 despite the fact that Danchenko could not offer substantiation for any of his allegations.

Surprisingly, the FBI found substantial proof that Danchenko was connected to Russian intelligence. It had ended a counterintelligence probe into him in 2011 because investigators mistook him for having fled the country.

From 2009 to 2011, the FBI investigated Danchenko as a possible Russian spy after a colleague at the Brookings Institution, a left-wing think tank where he worked, told the FBI that Danchenko offered to pay him for classified information if the colleague joined the Obama administration.

When the FBI discovered that Danchenko was a known associate of two other espionage suspects, had ties with known Russian intelligence offices, and had stated a desire to enter the Russian diplomatic service, the investigation became a full-fledged investigation.

He further stated that he worked on “special” topics for the Russian army and that his Russian passport listed him as a member of the Russian military intelligence service.

When the FBI attempted to use him as the key piece of proof that Trump was connected to Russia five years later, that history was readily available in the FBI’s computer system. Nonetheless, it granted Danchenko protection and interviewed him for three days during Trump’s first week in office.

“Danchenko was not able to provide any corroborative evidence related to any substantive allegation contained in the Steele Reports — and critically — was unable to corroborate any of the FBI’s assertions contained in the Carter Page FISA applications,” according to the Durham report.

“Nevertheless, following the January 2017 interviews, Crossfire Hurricane leadership reached out to WFO to begin the recruitment of Danchenko” as a paid source.

Kevin Helson, an FBI agent who functioned as Danchenko’s handler, mistakenly said on a confidential source application that he had no negative information about him.

Helson later stated that he ignored the evidence against Danchenko because a Baltimore special agent involved in the investigation informed him it was “hearsay at best.”

However, the Baltimore agent insisted that Durham had said nothing of the sort—after all, the information came directly from the Brookings employee who “was the target of the pitch for classified information.”

The FBI’s CHS Validation Management Unit (VMU) is in charge of verifying sources, and it intervened to urge him not to use him as a source. A VMU analyst “was strongly of the opinion that Danchenko was connected to Russian intelligence.”

Durham wrote that “Helson and WFO ignored nearly all of the VMU’s recommendations and continued to operate Danchenko as a CHS until WFO was ordered to close Danchenko in October 2020. In total, the FBI paid Danchenko approximately $220,000 during the 3.5 years that Danchenko was a CHS.”

Top brass were strangely adamant about paying Danchenko, even after Durham began probing FBI abuses in the Trump investigation, and advocated paying him $300,000 more.

“The counterintelligence executive managers at the WFO and FBI Headquarters resisted efforts to have Danchenko closed as a source. Instead, management supported continued payments to him, requiring FBI Headquarters approval, of sizable amounts of money and insisted that Danchenko was very valuable to the FBI’s counterintelligence program,” Durham wrote.

While being paid by the FBI, Danchenko was also being paid by a “front” company in the D.C. region controlled by a Russian person, although doing no work for it, as part of an alleged visa scheme.

He’d lost his job and thus his visa, and Steele’s firm, Orbis, couldn’t help him because it’s a British corporation. Orbis paid for his visa as a pass-through because the corporation agreed to sponsor it.

The DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns had their lawyers pay the research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, which then paid Steele, who in turn paid Danchenko.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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