Biden and the Democrats truly believe that he’ll coast to another win in November. But they just got reality checked big time.
As a Joe Biden emergency has plunged the 2024 election into limbo.
Back during the 2020 election cycle, the Democrats had several critical “advantages” that were going their way. The pandemic panic was most obviously used by the radical Left as a political ploy to disparage Donald Trump as much as possible. In some ways that worked.
No doubt the pandemic panic jazzed up the radical Leftist base to send in their mail-in ballots early, which is another hotly debated issue of the election process in America these days.
Looking at the 2024 election, Democrats were feeling good. Donald Trump would likely be the candidate again and their “lead” from 2020 made it mathematically difficult for anyone to unseat the incumbent president.
But what they weren’t expecting is the mass exodus of any and all enthusiasm for Joe Biden amongst his own Leftist voting base. The latest reports are not looking good for the Democrats at all as the general election cycle shapes up.
Election data indicates that, since the latter part of 2020 and ahead of a rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in November, there has been a decline in Democrat voter registration in three key battleground districts.
According to the most recent state data, there are already fewer registered Democratic voters overall in Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania — three states that saw three of the closest presidential races in the previous cycle — than there were in late 2020. In these states, the margins between Democrats and Republicans in terms of party registration are much closer than they were previously.
State election statistics show that since November 3, 2020, Pennsylvania has lost nearly 350,000 registered Democrats. After leading the GOP in voter registration by nearly 700,000 registrants, Democrats now lead the party by fewer than 400,000.
According to state election records, more than two hundred thousand Democrat voters in North Carolina defected from the party’s ranks between late December 2020 and early April 2024. The Democrats used to enjoy a nearly four hundred thousand voter advantage over the state Republicans, but now there is only a voter difference of less than 170,000.
State election data shows that Democrats in Nevada have lost 27,757 registered voters since December 2020. In the battleground state, the party now has a 55,116-voter advantage over Republicans, as opposed to its 96,875-voter advantage in 2020.
The combined total of votes cast in these three battleground states to determine the president was less than 200,000. In Nevada and Pennsylvania, Biden prevailed by 2.4 and 1.2 points, respectively, while Trump took North Carolina by 1.3 points.
A top polling expert and strategist for the Republican Party, Jon McHenry, said that it’s obvious that Joe Biden has lost “some ground” to former President Trump heading into the 2024 election cycle.
“The changes in party registration are reflective of what we’re seeing in the polling numbers in swing states: President Biden has lost some ground to former President Trump, but the races are still tight,” Jon McHenry shared with reporters.
Losing that ground may make all the difference to give Donald Trump a second term in the White House and is a real emergency for the Democrats right now.
Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by several points in states like Nevada and even Pennsylvania is effectively a toss up this go-round, as polls suggest the two likely presidential candidates are dead even.
It is notable that Republicans aren’t getting all of these voter registration defections. Some are choosing to go into the Republican Party camp, but many are also choosing to stay independent.
“While registered Democrats are going down, registered Republicans aren’t gaining in most of these states,” a spokesperson from a top polling statistics firm shared with journalists.
Many political statisticians believe that this election will almost certainly come down to turnout, because the races are so close and any advantage is amplified to become a massive advantage.
“But certainly Biden has a real problem on his hands among many segments and you can clearly see that in these results,” Scott Jennings, a top GOP campaign strategist, said on the matter. “The trick, of course, is that once people are registered, then you have to turn them out.”
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.