Joe Biden is panicking about Elon Musk looking under this 2020 election rock

Elon Musk

Since assuming control over Twitter, Elon Musk has gained a ton of power. That has the Left losing their minds because Musk isn’t a pawn of theirs.

And now Joe Biden is panicking about what Elon Musk will find out about the 2020 election.

There’s no denying how much of a bombshell the Hunter Biden laptop story has become over the past few months.

Leaks have made their way to the American people that are extremely incriminating for Hunter Biden.

Which is exactly why the Hunter Biden laptop story being suppressed weeks before the 2020 election was a huge boost to Biden and the Democrats.

The new CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, says he intends to get to the bottom of why Twitter specifically suppressed that October 2020 bombshell from the New York Post that exposed the Hunter Biden laptop for the public to see.

In order to rebuild public confidence in the social media behemoth, Elon Musk has emphasized that full disclosure over Twitter’s decision to ban The New York Post’s exclusive report about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop is “necessary.”

The platform was bought by Elon Musk last month, and he made plain where he stood late on Wednesday in a tweet in response to a question about whether the internal conversations that led to the filtering decision should be made public.

“Raise your hand if you think @ElonMusk should make public all internal discussions about the decision to censor the @NYPost’s story on Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 Election in the interest of transparency,” the original tweet read.

The new CEO of Twitter spoke up right away and said, “This is necessary to rebuild public trust.”

As of Thursday afternoon, Musk’s tweet had amassed over 153,000 likes and more than 12,900 retweets.

Prior to his $44 billion acquisition, Musk had already chimed in on the Twitter vs. The Post controversy, claiming that the platform’s choice was “obviously incredibly inappropriate” back in April.

When The Post originally published its explosive exposé on the massive cache of emails found on Hunter’s laptop in October 2020, Twitter and Facebook retaliated against it with extreme censoring tactics.

Because of unfounded assertions that the piece used hacked data, Twitter, which was then led by CEO Jack Dorsey, forbade users from sharing it. It also shut The Post out of its Twitter account for more than two weeks.

During a congressional hearing on misinformation and social media in March of last year, Dorsey was compelled to confess that banning The Post’s piece weeks before the presidential election was a “total mistake,” but he refrained from saying who made the error.

This is yet another move from Elon Musk that is sure to have the radical “progressive” Left losing their minds.

If the former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has said that the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop was a mistake, you know it was truly out of pocket.

Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to suppressing the story as well on an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

But the question remaining is who was coordinating this suppression with the social media giants.

Elon Musk just might find out who that is.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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