Major presidential candidate being forced out of the race

The 2024 election is taking shape. But this news has rocked the nation.

Because a major presidential candidate is unexpectedly being forced out of the race.

The presidential election cycle has been a two-man race for nearly the past three decades. Sure, there have been third parties and plenty of individuals running for office of the president in each election. But realistically, there’s only been two people who could realistically win.

2024 has proven to be a little bit different. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been polling extremely well for a third-party candidate. In fact, in some polls, he’s been inching close to potentially winning a swing state like Michigan. That would be unprecedented for modern American politics and utterly game-changing.

Donald Trump was aware of this trend going in Robert F. Kennedy’s favor. So several weeks ago he started to ramp up his election efforts to court the supporters of the nephew of Mr. John F. Kennedy. Mr. Trump appeared at the Libertarian Party Convention to make his case for president amongst the crowd that is very kind to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Sure, Donald Trump received boos during his speech but that’s not the point. The point is Donald Trump is putting in the effort to go after anyone who is potentially in the camp of the surging third party candidate.

That investment is paying off big time, according to the latest polls. So much so that Robert F. Kennedy is bleeding support so fast that he’s flirting with irrelevance for the 2024 election by the time November rolls around.

Donald Trump will need unity amongst Republicans and his efforts to chip away at RFK Jr. has been a shot in the arm that the former president needed.

Trump’s Criticism of RFK Jr. Impacting Republican Voter Perceptions

CNN’s senior data reporter, Harry Enten, indicated on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump’s ongoing criticism of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is diminishing Kennedy’s support among Republican voters.

A May poll conducted by The Cook Political Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group revealed that Trump’s lead over President Joe Biden increases among likely voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina when Kennedy and other third-party candidates are factored into the ballot. During an appearance on CNN News Central, Enten suggested that Kennedy’s declining popularity among Republicans could be attributed to Trump’s disparaging remarks, such as portraying Kennedy as radically Left-wing.

“Republicans initially appeared more supportive of RFK Jr.,” Enten explained. “That’s why this decline is notable. In November 2023, Kennedy enjoyed a 41% favorable rating among GOP voters, which has now dropped to 31%. Meanwhile, his unfavorable rating has risen from 22% to 30%. It seems Trump’s attacks on RFK Jr. are having an effect.”

In an April post on Truth Social, Trump labeled Kennedy a “Democrat ‘Plant’” and a “‘Radical Left Liberal,’” asserting that Kennedy had been installed to aid “Crooked Joe Biden” in his reelection bid. Trump argued that a vote for Kennedy would essentially be a wasted protest vote, which could inadvertently hurt the Democrats if Republicans understood Kennedy’s true stance. He described Kennedy as “totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet.”

In contrast, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki expressed concern in May that Kennedy’s candidacy could potentially harm Biden’s reelection prospects more than Trump’s. “I understand that there’s polling suggesting he would only hurt Donald Trump,” she commented. “I don’t buy that. I don’t buy it.”

While polling has largely indicated that Kennedy poses a greater threat to Biden than Trump, some recent surveys have shown that the independent candidate is also affecting Trump’s campaign.

After switching his party affiliation from Democrat to independent in October, Kennedy has prompted efforts from Biden’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and other entities to mitigate his impact. They worry that Kennedy might siphon more support from Biden’s base than from Trump’s.

Clearly these efforts from the Trump campaign to ward off Kennedy were wise moves.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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