Michelle Obama is scrambling to hide what was just revealed about her

The Obamas were worried this day would come. They’re desperate to put a lid on the truth.

As Michelle Obama is scrambling in a panic to hide what was revealed to the public about her.

Aging U.S. President Joe Biden has quite a few potential contenders against him in the race to become the next president of America with a recent poll revealing the name of former First Lady and Democrat Michelle Obama.

In the event that Joe Biden withdraws from the presidential campaign, a poll indicates that Michelle Obama is the most popular option among Democrats to succeed him.

Amidst concerns about the president’s physical well-being, the former first lady rose to prominence as the leading alternative to Mr. Biden in the 2024 election, surpassing Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton as alternative options.

A Monday Rasmussen Reports poll found that over half of Democratic voters were in favor of “finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the election in November.”

Almost half of those who took the survey think “it is likely Democrats will replace Biden with another candidate as their presidential nominee before the election in November,” with 22% seeing it as extremely likely.

The likelihood that Democrats will replace one candidate with another is low, according to 45% of 960 respondents.

Twenty percent or more of people who took the survey wanted the former first lady to replace incumbent President Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris came in second with 15% of the poll votes, while around 12% wanted Hillary Clinton to run again. Among those who took the survey, 11% backed Mr. Newsom.

Michelle Obama has already stated that one of the things that keeps her awake at night is her worry of the 2024 elections. During a sit-down interview earlier this year, she stated that she is “terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter.”

“We cannot take this democracy for granted. And sometimes I worry that we do,” Michelle added in that same interview.

However, a rematch between President Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump seems all but inevitable after their respective victories in last Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Michigan.

It seems as though the only two things that could prevent a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump from materializing in November is if either something happened to Joe Biden’s health to prevent him from being able to run or if the Democrat National Convention decides to pull the plug on him.

There’s not a lacking of precedence for this either. Just take a look at the 1968 Democrat National Convention.

In Chicago in 1968, the incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey won the nomination for the Democrats with Lyndon B. Johnson being forced out by his own base and by Democrat leadership that was growing concerned about the optics Johnson was facing in that political atmosphere that year.

Sound familiar? It should for a few reasons.

The 2024 Democrat National Convention is also being held in Chicago, Illinois just as it was in 1968. Furthermore, a lot like Lyndon B. Johnson, Mr. Joe Biden is facing intense criticism from his own base on a variety of fronts.

Top Democrat brass have also been thinking out loud about whether there needs to be a replacement for Joe Biden before it’s too late for their Party’s chances of winning the White House and maintaining relevancy in Congress.

You can be certain that if any funny business were to happen this time around like it did in 1968, that the Obamas are going to get a phone call from the Democrat leaders to beg Michelle to swing around and save them.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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