The 2024 race is heating up. And the candidates have reached a fever pitch.
Now Nikki Haley has recklessly accused Donald Trump of doing one awful thing to her.
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley stated in an interview on Wednesday, following her loss to “None of These Candidates” in the Nevada Republican Party presidential primary, that the Nevada process was “rigged” by former President Trump.
Haley received 31% of the vote in the state, while 63% of those who voted in the primary chose “None of These Candidates,” with 89% of the vote tabulated, according to The New York Times.
There are no delegates granted in the state primary, just in the caucus, which Haley did not register for.
When asked if the loss “hurt,” Haley responded: “No, I mean, Nevada, it’s such a scam. They were supposed to have a primary. Trump rigged it so that the GOP chairman, who’s been indicted, would go and create a caucus. We knew months ago that we weren’t going to spend a day or a dollar in Nevada, because it wasn’t worth it.”
“And so we didn’t even count Nevada. That wasn’t anything we were looking at,” she said.
“We knew that was rigged from the start. Our focus is on South Carolina, Michigan, and Super Tuesday. So, if you look what we did in Iowa and you look at what we did in New Hampshire, we’re continuing to grow. That’s what matters, I think, more than anything else.”
“But look what happened this week,” she added.
“Here you have, Republicans lost a major vote on the border, Republicans lost a major vote on Israel. Donald Trump was found that he will not have immunity in all of these court cases coming up. The RNC chair is fired. All of this chaos is happening around us and Donald Trump’s fingerprints are on every bit of it. We can’t continue as the Republican Party to go forward with this chaos. You don’t defeat Democrat chaos with Republican chaos. And that’s why we’ve got to see a change.”
NEWS: @NikkiHaley responds to losing the Nevada GOP primary to "none of these candidates:"
She tells me NV's system was a "scam" that was "rigged from the start."
There were no delegates at stake so she didn't "spend a day or a dollar there."
Via @TheIssueIsShow pic.twitter.com/L5wxTHaEqO
— Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) February 7, 2024
One issue with Haley’s assessment is that she’s acting as if she isn’t contributing to the chaos.
She’s championing a border bill that most Republicans didn’t want.
It only garnered four GOP votes in the Senate, and they were RINOs like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins.
Further, she’s saying primaries and caucuses are rigged and discounting the will of an entire state.
Just think about it, Haley went into Nevada knowing she would lose the caucus to Trump – the most recent poll with Haley included showed Trump earning 67% of support from polled voters to Haley’s 9%.
It was going to be a bloodbath, so Haley thought she could flip the narrative by “winning” the primary as the only real candidate in the race.
But instead she got handed a devastating reality check.
And now she’s crying that the rules aren’t fair.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.