President Biden suffers another fall he can’t recover from

The U.S. President has had a few serious stumbles before. But there’s no recovering after this one.

And now this Biden fall has Democrats completely panicking.

Back at the beginning of 2021, Joe Biden started off with fairly high approval ratings. The American public gave him the benefit of the doubt at the beginning and felt as though he might be that “moderate” common-sense guy that the Democrats were selling him to be during the 2020 election cycle.

That facade didn’t take long to be exposed, though. Biden’s fumbling of the Afghanistan pullout truly started the downfall of Joe Biden’s presidency and his approval ratings haven’t been able to recover ever since.

This dramatic shift in public perception is almost certainly going to play a major role in the outcome of the 2024 election as Joe Biden will have to take on a strong candidate like the surging Donald Trump or even the Republican runner-up in the polls, Governor Ron DeSantis.

The polls are demonstrating this too. Joe Biden won the state of Michigan in the 2020 election cycle by a respectable margin of about three points. Today? He’s falling behind Donald Trump to the tune of about eight points, according to the latest polls.

Historically low support for Democratic incumbent Joe Biden (less than 20% of Michigan voters think he deserves another term) was a key finding of a poll that’s come out of Michigan recently.

Out of 600 Michiganders surveyed, just 17% said Biden is deserving of another term as president, according to a poll issued on Wednesday by the Detroit News/WDIV-TV. The founder of the polling firm Glengariff Group, Richard Czuba, said that this was the lowest turnout for a key public official in the contemporary political history of Michigan.

If we were to compare the two candidates head-to-head, former president Trump would have 47% support and Biden 39%. This is an 8-point deficit for Biden. Biden takes a major hit from the results; he is now behind the former president in many states that will decide the 2024 race.

The 2020 Michigan race was won by Biden with a three-point margin, 51% to 48%. Biden trailed Trump by seven points in January 2020, before that year’s general election.

With the introduction of third-party candidates, Trump’s advantage against Biden grew to 12 percentage points, fueling Democrats’ concerns that the presence of an independent ticket would undermine Biden’s prospects of re-election and propel Trump to triumph.

According to what Czuba told the Detroit News, the first poll issued by Glengariff Group on Wednesday showed that Trump had a lead over the probable Democratic nominee in Michigan before voting occurs.

“If I were a Democrat in Michigan, I would be breaking the emergency fire alarms in the White House and demanding to know what the plan is for Michigan,” Czuba expressed. “Because these numbers are very bad for any incumbent of any party.”

In response to the question of whether Biden should be re-elected, 77% of Americans expressed their desire for a new head of state. In response to the identical question posed about Trump, 33% of people think the ex-president should run for president again, while 62% would rather have someone else.

In the past six years, Democrats in Michigan have achieved a number of political triumphs, the most recent of which was securing a Democratic trifecta for 2023 by taking control of the state legislature. Especially after Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI) was re-elected by more than 10% in the 2022 midterms, Republicans in Michigan took a major hit with their historic losses. The state’s GOP is still dealing with financial issues and internal strife.

Democrats in Michigan, and historically Democrat-voting Muslims in particular, are turning against Biden despite the fact that they were Biden’s most ardent supporters in the 2020 election. Unfortunately for the president’s re-election prospects, this group is now threatening to abstain from voting in 2024 due to the administration’s position on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Joe Biden isn’t scoring well with Jewish voters in recent weeks either. Jewish voters are also critical of the Biden administration’s handling of the conflicts in the Middle East since the tragic October 7th attack on innocent Israelis.

The current survey shows that Trump has the same amount of support as he had in the previous two presidential elections, which leads Czuba to believe that Michigan voters’ opinions on Biden have shifted.

The study showed that 3 years into his first term, 58% of people rated Biden unfavorably and 29% favored him. Nearly half of Michiganders (43%) held a positive view of Joe Biden in September 2020, just before the 2020 November election. With 41% of replies pertaining to his overall level of ability and mental capacity, the majority of the unfavorable remarks directed towards Biden were pertaining to his age. He made history as the oldest president of the United States at the age of 81.

Czuba stated that the opposition to Biden is motivated by their perception of his suitability for office.

Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in Michigan’s 2016 presidential election by a razor-thin margin of 0.2 percentage points, becoming the first Republican to do it in 28 years.

Political strategist and Michigan Democrat Adrian Hemond remarked that the party saw no positive aspect to this survey when questioned about it.

“Unless there is a fundamental change in the dynamics of the election, Donald Trump is going to be president in January next year,” Hemond asserted.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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