RINO Republicans are on life support after seeing Trump’s latest victory

Establishment politicians across the board want to see Trump fail. But they’re getting hit with a rude awakening.

And RINO Republicans are on life support after seeing Trump’s latest victory.

According to a McLaughlin & Associates poll, three-quarters of Republican supporters believe there should be no more debates and that the party should instead unite behind former President Donald Trump and “fight Biden’s political indictments.”

The survey asked Republican primary participants whether they agreed or disagreed with the following statement:

Currently Donald Trump is leading in all the Republican primary polls nationally by very big margins of 30, 40 or more points and winning early states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina by big margins. Even more important President Trump leads Joe Biden in the national media polls like ABC/Washington Post, CBS, Harvard Harris and others. It’s time to stop the RNC debates attacking Donald Trump, fight Biden’s political indictments, and rally Republicans behind President Trump so we can start the campaign of beating Joe Biden.

Overall, 76 percent think that the arguments should end, with 56 percent “strongly” agreeing and 19 percent “somewhat” agreeing.

Only 16 percent disagree with the statement, with 11 percent “strongly” disagreeing and 5 percent “somewhat” disagreeing. Eight percent are unsure or refuse to answer.

The poll was conducted between October 19 and 24, just weeks before the third Republican primary debate, which is set for November 8 at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, Florida.

The third scheduled debate has already drawn criticism, as two of the three moderators are NBC News employees.

Lester Holt of Nightly News and Kristen Welker of Meet the Press will join Hugh Hewitt of The Hugh Hewitt Show, the latter of whom appears to act as the debate’s conservative element — something Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel promised each debate would have.

In April, she told Breitbart News Daily that it would be tough to completely exclude members of the establishment media since there aren’t enough conservative networks to go around.

“But the reality is, you know, there’s not enough conservative networks. We can’t do all the debates on Fox,” McDaniel said at the time.

“So that’s an issue we’re going to be facing and dealing with as we go forward, but there will be a conservative partner with every single debate,” she added.

L. Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the Media Research Center, delivered a blistering letter of caution to NBC moderators this week, addressing the network about the probable bias of both Holt and Welker ahead of the debate. Bozell advised moderators to remember their role in the discourse in the letter.

They are not combatants or candidates, so they should approach the Republican candidates with neutrality, he urged, asking them to also recognize that the audience is conservative voters, not Democrats or Left-wing activists.

“While recognizing the chasm that exists between you and your viewers, don’t ever disrespect them. They love their country, believe in the dignity of every human being, and have the humility to give thanks to their Creator for making them in His image,” he wrote in part.

The third debate takes place as Trump maintains a big lead in poll after poll, both nationally and in specific states.

Trump currently leads his GOP opponents by double digits in early primary and caucus states, according to RealClearPolitics averages.

It is a fact that has been constant throughout the primary and doesn’t seem likely to change.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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