Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is always going to speak his mind. He doesn’t put up with the political games.
And Ron DeSantis just pulled back the curtain on Tim Walz to expose him as the big government pig that he is.
Whenever Democrats are not in power and are hungry to get back to dominance in Washington, D.C., they always try to appeal to libertarian and small government values that have been core to the belief systems of American voters of all walks of life for literally hundreds of years. The party or candidate that can simultaneously promise benefits to the voters while also legitimately claiming that they will keep the government out of their lives is usually the party or candidate that will win an election. This isn’t always the case, sometimes there are other factors involved, but this has historically been the case.
Right now, Democrats are completely changing their face and their tune to make that argument in an attempt to connect with American voters. Kamala Harris and the Democrats are pretending like they haven’t been champions of the most extreme far-Left big government proposals in economic and domestic policy. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are at their campaign stops saying that they want to keep government out of the lives of Americans, even though their political careers don’t line up with that newly held belief.
Tim Walz, in particular, has been trying to make the argument that he and Kamala want politicians to “mind their d*mn business”. During the campaign stop where Harris introduced Walz as her running mate, he pictured Trump and Vance as big government anti-women suits. But Ron DeSantis isn’t buying it. He’s calling Tim Walz out as the big government radical Lefty that he is.
Tim Walz absolutely WENT THERE on reproductive rights:
"MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS." 🔥 pic.twitter.com/3HzC5hddOo
— Josh Sorbe (@joshsorbe) August 6, 2024
Ron DeSantis Pulls The Gloves Off To Punch At Harris-Walz Campaign
Ron DeSantis recalled when Tim Walz and his Democrat lackeys established a “snitch hotline” during the pandemic panic era of 2020 and 2021. He’s referring to Minnesota citizens being given a hotline to call and report their neighbors who weren’t obeying all of the radical big government demands during the pandemic panic.
“He’s got this line in the stump speech saying, you know, ‘Our neighbors can do what they want. Mind your own d*mn business.’ Fine. Then why did you set up a snitch hotline for neighbors to report on their neighbors for violating your draconian COVID restrictions?” DeSantis had to say back at Tim Walz after his comments.
“That’s not minding your own d*mn business. That’s government overreach,” Florida’s Republican Governor added in his statement.
Previously, Ron Desantis called Tim Walz a “shyster” in an appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News. “I watched his speech and this guy is a shyster,” DeSantis said of Minnesota’s Democrat Governor.
Ron DeSantis also called out the mainstream media for being so obvious in their obsession with any developments in the Kamala Harris campaign, specifically how they talk so fondly of Walz being a veteran and acting like he’s the only politician who served in the military.
“They talk more about him being a veteran in 24 hours than the mainstream media has ever mentioned that about me my entire time as Governor,” Ron DeSantis said in his sharp criticism of the big media outlets.
As for Kamala Harris, he said that her picking Walz and snubbing Shapiro wasn’t “bending the knee” to pro-Hamas Democrats because she is, at heart, a pro-Hamas radical herself.
“They talked about her not picking Shapiro. And the question was, was she bending a knee to the pro-Hamas caucus and her own party? And I don’t think that’s the case. I think she is part of the pro-Hamas caucus in the Democratic Party,” DeSantis said in criticism of Kamala Harris.
NEW: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shreds Tim Walz for setting up a COVID hotline so neighbors could snitch on each other.
The comment came after Walz said people should “respect” their neighbors and “mind their own d*mn business.”
“He's got this line in the stump speech… pic.twitter.com/Yb4mBMoWGE
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 9, 2024
The irony in Tim Walz saying he “respects” the decisions of others is so laughable and far too rich. So they say that Americans need to respect the decision of women to get abortions and ignore the ethical and moral implication of that on a national scale. Okay, that’s a wild suggestion but let’s roll with it.
Why then are Democrats so utterly furious that there are states where a vast majority of Americans do not want abortion to be legal in their state? Countless Americans in the state of Tennessee, for example, do not believe abortion is ethical or moral. They believe it is ending the life of an innocent baby. So why is Tim Walz saying they aren’t allowed to live in a state with abortion regulated? Is it maybe because he doesn’t respect the decisions of his fellow Americans who see differently than him? Sounds like he only wants Americans to bend the knee to the pro-Abortion lobby and give up their core beliefs. It’s a one way street for him.
Walz and Harris are big government suits who have a long history of showing how much they hate Americans who want government out of their lives. Whether that’s on the 2020 pandemic or abortion, they’ve shown their true colors. No amount of paying lip service to small government ideas will change that.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.