Republicans need all the help they can get to be victorious in 2024. But the nation’s highest court might have stopped them in their tracks.
And the 2024 election is in danger as Republicans suffer a massive Supreme Court loss.
Currently, the GOP holds a very thin majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Democrats are working to obtain every advantage they can so that they can retake control of the House in 2024.
That advantage includes congressional maps.
The state of Alabama currently has seven congressmen; six Republicans and one Democrat.
However, a potential new congressional map in the state could help Democrats raise their number of representatives in the state.
Earlier in the week, Republicans in Alabama suffered a defeat from the United States Supreme Court after their proposed congressional map which included just one majority black district, was shot down.
This is now the second time in several months that the Alabama GOP has lost a decision over these maps.
“Alabama’s open defiance of the Voting Rights Act stops today,” said lawyer Abha Khanna, who challenged the Republican congressional maps.
Khanna is hopefully that the Supreme Court’s ruling will “prompt Alabama to rethink their dogged resistance to providing equal political opportunities to Black Alabamians.”
Currently, 27% of Alabama’s population is black.
The Republican’s opposition are hoping at least a second majority black district will be added to the new congressional maps.
Black people in the state are also more likely to vote Democrat, meaning that second district could open the door for another Leftist congressman to be elected to office.
This would be a nightmare to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) who is already growing unpopular within his own base.
Losing the House majority to Democrats would obviously kick McCarthy out of his role as speaker.
But it would also kill his political career as a Republican leader.
The GOP greatly underperformed in the 2022 midterms, despite a “Red Wave” being predicted.
The last thing they need is for a dark Red state like Alabama to produce more Democrat congressmen than what the state is accustomed to.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.