The FBI’s been caught red-handed in a shocking election rigging scheme


The past few months have not been good to the FBI. Their conspiracies are being exposed for all of the American public to see.

And now the FBI’s been caught red-handed in this shocking election rigging scheme.

Since Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, he’s promised to bring light to the truth about how Twitter operated before he bought the company.

That includes explanations for why content was censored or suppressed and why individuals (usually conservatives) were kicked off the platform.

We’ve already learned how Twitter literally made up excuses to suppress content like the New York Post Hunter Biden laptop article that would damage optics for Democrats.

But now we have even more coming out in the latest drop of what’s been known as “The Twitter Files.”

The third chapter of the “Twitter Files,” released Friday night, revealed that federal agencies communicated with Twitter throughout the 2020 presidential election and were involved in filtering content on the network.

According to the documents disclosed, Twitter set up dedicated Slack channels where they monitored Trump’s tweets and made quick choices about whether to censor the president or put warning labels to his tweets.

Then-Twitter Policy Director Nick Pickles appeared to confess that the platform had met with FBI and DHS authorities about some of the activities it was taking.

In an internal communication, Yoel Roth, then-Twitter Global Head for Trust & Safety, verified that he was meeting with the FBI, DHS, and Director of National Intelligence about election security and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

During the election, the DHS, FBI, and DOJ stated that the laptop narrative was not misinformation, which the former Director of National Intelligence confirmed to The Daily Wire on Friday night.

Roth had to confess to “weekly confabs with federal law enforcement,” according to Taibbi.

Taibbi went on to highlight tweets about election security that the FBI had reported for Twitter:

Employees attempted to take action against Trump’s account on many occasions, but were turned down because the information in some of the tweets was correct, even if Trump shared misleading information about the election in other tweets.

According to the screenshots, Roth looked to be happy with the platform’s activities against Trump.

Taibbi then wrote about how tweets from the political Left were generally ignored while tweets from the political Right were targeted, as top Twitter officials rationalized why they would not take action against pro-Biden messages.

The whole situation reeks of gross involvement from Democrats in office and Deep State agents looking to do their bidding and controlling actors within Twitter.

With this type of involvement between Twitter and the FBI, who knows if there were kickbacks in monetary form or some type of “payment” similar.

You can check out the whole sequence of tweets using the link below.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal for updates on The Twitter Files.

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