Tucker Carlson shares the truth about January 6 that will leave Trump floored

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson is unafraid to speak his mind. Even on the hottest of issues.

That’s why Trump was floored when he heard the truth about January 6 from Tucker Carlson.

For many Americans, what truly happened on January 6, 2021 is still somewhat of an unknown due to the theories that have been flying around for more than two years now.

It’s hard to know what to believe when the federal government isn’t even clear about their investigations and their involvement on that day two and a half years ago.

Furthermore, the Congressional committee in the U.S. House of Representatives that was set up to investigate the events of January 6, 2021 was more untrustworthy than a drug addict trying to recollect events while they were high as a kite.

Tucker Carlson himself discovered from tapes that he eventually shared with his Fox News show viewers that videos that were used as “evidence” for the January 6 committee were edited and selectively entered into the record.

The simple truth is that what Americans have been told about what happened on January 6, 2021 by the stale suits and bureaucrats on the January 6 committee or at the DOJ and FBI can’t be trusted in many ways.

Tucker Carlson recently had special guest Steven Sund on his Twitter show to discuss the details of January 6 and what truly happened that day.

Steven Sund is the former Capitol Police Chief and had incredible insight for Tucker Carlson that he wasn’t expecting.

First, Tucker Carlson and Steven Sund discuss the individuals who were outright calling for attacks on police and storming the Capitol but were not arrested.

One such individual is Ray Epps.

This has led many to wonder if the federal government was actually involved in the events that took place that day.

Carlson notes that in the years after January 6, we’ve learned that there are testimonies of former federal agents claiming that FBI and DOJ employees were all throughout the crowd outside of the Capitol.

Steven Sund said he was getting calls about federal agents taking “action” that day.

Naturally, this begs the question about whether the federal government intentionally did nothing to stop the events of January 6, 2021.

Carlson seems to be on the fence about whether this is the case, but he points out the implications of this.

The whole interview is utterly fascinating and full of insight by Sund who details very important facts about January 6 that the Washington, D.C. Swamp simply don’t want to talk about.

You can watch the whole interview below:

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