Presidential races can produce some big surprises. And it looks like there’s already a big one in the 2024 race.
And you won’t believe who is crashing the second GOP debate.
The second Republican primary debate is happening this week, and the candidates are looking to make their mark on the evening.
But another politician plans to be there in an effort to not only elevate himself, but an ally of his.
Governor Gavin Newsom (R-CA) is expected to attend the debate to help campaign for President Joe Biden.
Even though he’s tried to solidify his support for Biden’s 2024 run, one can’t help but speculate whether or not Newsom is 100% on board.
His ongoing feud with presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), including inviting him to a debate, have some wondering if Newsom will eventually throw his hat in the ring.
But as for now, signs are still pointing that Newsom will continue offering his full support for President Biden.
“The train has left the station. We’re all in. Stop talking. [Biden’s] not going anywhere. It’s time for all of us to get on the train and buck up,” Gavin Newsom said in support of Joe Biden’s bid for a second term.
Governor Newsom isn’t the only Biden ally expected to attend the debate.
Julie Chávez Rodríguez, Biden’s campaign manager, and Jaime Harrison, the chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), also plan to be there.
The DNC will also have a plane fly over Southern California (where the GOP debate will be held) pulling a sign that says, “2024 GOP: A Race for the Extreme MAGA Base.”
A spokesperson for Joe Biden’s campaign, Kevin Munoz continued to push the idea of extremism on the Right in an interview with Axios.
“The campaign response builds off the strong and effective plan from the first debate with a clear north star: Push back on Republicans’ lies and highlight their extremism at every turn,” Munoz said.
Governor Newsom will also use the opportunity to show how Biden’s economic plan is far more efficient than the Right’s “MAGAnomics” as Joe Biden refers to it.
“Under MAGAnomics, as I’ve called it, tens of millions of Americans could lose their insurance,” Biden said.
“Waiting lists would skyrocket for seniors who need home or community-based care because they have nowhere else to go; they can’t – have no family to take [care] of them. Children would not get adequate healthcare.”
If anything, voters will find Newsom’s presence at the debate as another “look at me” moment for the Governor.
And even though he’s expressed that he’s supporting Biden as the Democrat nominee, his constant need for attention only causes rumors that he’ll eventually challenge the 80 year old President.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.