A major Democrat could be impeached after this scandal just broke


Democrats are known for their shady dealings and bending of the rules. They often go too far for most to stomach.

And a major Democrat could be impeached after this scandal just broke.

The Democrat Party has an image problem. Over the years, they have been embroiled in countless scandals they’ve never had to answer for.

Hillary Clinton had classified information on a private email server and then-Director of the FBI James Comey refused to press charges.

Joe Biden conducted shady deals with his son Hunter, but the FBI swept the story under the rug and refused to investigate.

And now a major player in the Biden administration is about to feel the heat, and may not be able to escape.

Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is accused of deliberately misleading the public into thinking border patrol agents whipped illegal immigrants in Texas last year.

Brandon Judd, president of the Border Patrol’s union, says Mayorkas was aware there was no whipping even as he pushed the narrative and attempted to punish the agents, according to a new document obtained by The Heritage Foundation, reports the Washington Times.

“This should be completely thrown out. It should be over,” Mr. Judd said. “Those agents should be exonerated immediately.”

The document is an email exchanged between Mayorkas and his chief spokesperson, Marsha Espinosa, where she pointed out an article to the Homeland Security Secretary that proved the images were “misconstrued” and no whipping took place.

But just hours after seeing the story was bogus, Mayorkas held a press briefing at the White House lamenting how the images “painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism.”

“He perjured himself,” Mr. Judd said. “By withholding facts, by not telling the American people the facts, he knew, and only giving them one side of the story, he perjured himself. That qualifies as high crimes and misdemeanors. He disqualified himself from the current jobs that he holds, and he needs to step down.”

Mark Morgan, who ran Customs and Border Protection under President Trump and served as the chief of the Border Patrol under President Obama, had even stronger words against Mayorkas.

“If he knew it was a lie two and a half hours before his press conference, why in hell would he utter anything about the image conjuring up racism? How can something that did not happen conjure up anything?” Mr. Morgan told The Washington Times. “By his words, he continued to add fuel to a false narrative. A lie we now know he knew was a lie.”

“He had a choice. He chose to intentionally omit a key piece of evidence that he had. An essential piece that would have immediately derailed the false narrative and driven the rhetoric down,” Mr. Morgan continued. “He chose a disgusting partisan path and threw away the agents as collateral damage. That man is a danger on many levels.”

The investigation into the incident found that Border Patrol leaders lacked any strategy for dealing with illegal immigrants pouring into the country.

And the Border Patrol agents recommended for discipline over false allegations were only given cursory briefings before being sent into the field.

When asked by the Texas Department of Public Safety to assist in blocking the illegal immigrants’ entry, the Border Patrol’s chain of command gave no answer to field agents who submitted the request.

Yet none of the supervisors have faced disciplinary action. Something Mr. Judd has questioned.

And the only one who should answer for it is Mr. Mayorkas.

“The intent to deceive is a lie. And if you lie to the American people in a Senate-confirmed position, you are perjuring yourself, and perjury is considered a high crime and misdemeanor,” Mr. Judd said.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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