A major Democrat just admitted to forcing women to get abortions

Democrats love to claim to be the party of “choice” when it comes to abortion. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

That’s because a major Democrat just admitted to forcing women to get abortions they may not even want.

Over the last few years, the Democrat Party has moved even further to the Left on the issue of abortion.

In fact, the infamous former Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam once claimed that women should have the right to abort their babies even after they are born.

They’ve truly gone overboard with their desire to abort babies.

But apparently, not enough.

The U.S. Senator from Virginia, Democrat Mark Warner, recently took to Twitter to brag that Google will be shadowbanning crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs).

This is in an attempt to hide options from women and give the illusion that their only option is to go to their nearest abortion clinic in response to whatever difficulties the woman may be going through.

How much more clear could it be that Big Tech is in bed with the radical Left and Washington, D.C. Democrats?

Google has never cared about showing “accurate” results based on the query of a user.

If they did, they wouldn’t obviously curate certain political publications just because they are mainstream even if they don’t line up with the user’s query.

This is an obvious attempt to literally prevent women from being able to seek real help from CPCs that provide charitable services to women who find themselves in a tough position during their pregnancy.

The only reason to shadowban CPCs is to encourage more abortions by suppressing the options available for women.

Again, how is the Democrat Party the party of “choice?”

It seems they only care about everyone falling in line with their worldview or facing the consequences.

That doesn’t sound like much of a choice.

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