Astonishing White House report proves Joe Biden is close to the end

Biden’s mental and physical health is in free fall. But it’s much worse behind the closed doors of the Oval Office.

And this astonishing White House report proves Joe Biden is close to the end.

Americans across the political divide are united on one thing: Joe Biden has seen better days.

According to a September 17th CBS News/YouGov poll, only 34% of registered voters believe Biden will complete a second term if re-elected.

Another 44% said he would not, and 22% think the jury is still out on the question.

This is terrible news for Joe Biden. But reports from the White House are showing that he knows his time is short.

The 80-year-old president believes he may not survive to see the conclusion of his son Hunter’s legal troubles, NBC News reported over the weekend, just days after the 53-year-old was accused on federal gun charges in Delaware.

According to the publication, the president and first lady Jill Biden are “resigned to the fact that Hunter’s legal problems will likely worsen in the months ahead,” with Joe Biden lamenting out loud “that he might be dead before his son’s case would be resolved.”

Other accounts have emphasized Biden’s near-fanatical love to his only living son, as well as his refusal to heed any suggestion to separate himself from Hunter as he prepares for re-election.

“Everybody walks around on eggshells in the West Wing,” NBC News quoted one source as saying on the topic.

Hunter Biden has been the subject of years-long investigations into tax evasion, potential violations of federal lobbying laws, a gun purchase made while addicted to crack cocaine, and other possible crimes related to his foreign business dealings — all of which have reportedly taken a toll on his powerful relatives.

“Every day, this president wakes up and thinks about his deceased son [Beau] and probably cries every day. And the weight of [Hunter’s legal troubles] is equally emotionally taxing,” former Jill Biden press secretary Michael LaRosa told NBC, adding that the Bidens “are incredibly protective of Hunter.”

Hunter is facing three charges in Delaware for lying on a federal background check form regarding his drug use when he purchased a Colt Cobra revolver in 2018.

If convicted, he faces a maximum term of 25 years in prison.

Hunter may face more criminal charges in Washington, DC and Los Angeles for tax evasion and illegal foreign lobbying.

The first son’s legal team filed a lawsuit on Monday against two IRS whistleblowers who claimed the Biden administration covered up a cover-up throughout the five-year investigation into the first son.

According to the lawsuit, IRS supervisory special agent Greg Shapley and a second agent, Joe Ziegler, violated Hunter’s right to privacy and attempted to “embarrass” him by disclosing his tax information.

The lawsuit seeks to “force compliance with federal tax and privacy laws” and to halt the spread of “unsubstantiated allegations” and “unlawful disclosure” of Hunter’s tax information, as well as a $1,000 compensation for each improper tax disclosure and attorney fees.

Maybe if Biden had been a better influence, Hunter wouldn’t be in such a mess.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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