Former President Barack Obama still carries a ton of power amongst Democrats. Including over Biden.
And now the rumor mill is going wild after what Barack Obama just did to Joe Biden.
It’s well documented now that Barack Obama is not exactly fond of the idea of Joe Biden running for the Democrats at the top of the ballot in 2024.
Everyone knows that Joe Biden’s approval ratings are a dumpster fire and his advancing age is making a lot of his own voter base from 2020 extremely nervous about voting for him again come November next year.
Some have suggested that the Democrats are going to “pull the plug” so to speak on Joe Biden’s attempts to get a second term and try to get another Democrat to run his stead.
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has been thrown out there as a possibility, as well as Barack Obama’s wife Michelle, who many Democrats believe would be a much stronger candidate than Joe Biden will be.
The reality is that Joe Biden is on the decline in many ways, meanwhile former President Donald Trump is stronger than ever as he is seemingly in position to dominate the Republican primary race.
He would be heading into the 2024 general election season full steam ahead with a ton of momentum, especially as the vast majority of polls are showing Joe Biden falling behind Donald Trump in a big way in a hypothetical rematch which seems to be on pace.
You would think the Democrats would try to get Barack Obama to throw more of his weight behind Joe Biden to help his own party make it out of 2024 alive.
But apparently that’s not the case. New reports show that Barack Obama and Joe Biden may be in a sort of feud.
At a recent event, Barack Obama and his team essentially ignored Joe Biden and his team entirely.
Fox News reports:
A new media report claims “tensions were evident” between the Obama and Biden camps at the former’s nonprofit’s democracy forum earlier this month, with some feeling President Biden received insufficient support at the event from his old boss as he seeks to unite the Democratic Party.
Fox News also reports that in a recent interview, Barack Obama didn’t mention Joe Biden at all when discussing the future of democracy in America.
Former President Obama and thousands of former staffers gathered in Chicago earlier this month to mark the 15th anniversary of his election victory in 2008, and the Obama Foundation’s forum was pegged to the event to explore “issues critical to strengthening democracy.” Obama gave a speech and also an interview to the left-wing podcast “Pod Save America,” hosted by some of his former staffers, that weekend.
In the interview, Obama didn’t mention Biden once, even while discussing threats to democracy; as the Post put it, he “eschewed several opportunities to promote his former running mate’s campaign,” which is facing alarm over surveys showing him behind former President Trump. Obama’s speech only mentioned Biden twice and not in the context of the election.
Likely a major dividing factor here is the top Barack Obama political advisor David Axelrod.
Mr. Axelrod was pivotal for the Obama team during his campaigns that were frankly extremely successful.
Axelrod has in recent weeks publicly questioned Joe Biden’s ability to serve a second term as the President of the United States and has even questioned whether he should run at all.
Reports have said that Joe Biden has called Mr. Axelrod a “pr*ck” behind closed doors, exhibiting a real disdain for someone who is largely credited with a ton of Barack Obama’s campaign success.
Axelrod believes that Democrats may be making the same “mistake” that Hillary made by counting on Donald Trump to be controversial enough to lose it for himself.
The idea is that Joe Biden could fly under the radar and just let Trump lose the race. But all indicators show that is not going to happen just as it didn’t back in 2016.
Instead, Donald Trump appears to be as strong as ever and he may be on his way back to the White House in unprecedented fashion.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.