The White House is on lockdown. One of their own is headed to slammer.
And this Biden official was arrested and now all hell is breaking loose.
The Biden White House has been smacked with scandals over its lawlessness and corruption.
They don’t care about the laws, they only care about taking what they want and pushing their agenda forward.
And one of them stands out among the rest as the worst.
“Openly genderfluid” Sam Brinton, an MIT graduate who worked in Joe Biden’s administration as a top nuclear official until being fired, was reportedly apprehended Wednesday as a “fugitive of justice.”
According to the Daily Wire According to police files, officers from Montgomery County, Maryland, arrested Brinton at his house.
He is currently being kept in jail without bond.
A neighbor told the Daily Wire “four unmarked police showed up last night, they would not let his spouse Kevin leave. After about an hour Sam Brinton was escorted out in handcuffs.”
Brinton is scheduled to appear in front of Judge Victor Del Pino on Thursday afternoon.
Brinton was fired six months ago for stealing women’s garments in airports, according to Breitbart News.
The former senior Department of Energy official was caught on camera stealing luggage last year and was ordered to pay $3,670 in restitution to the victim.
Brinton was spared jail time on that charge after pleading no contest.
He also is famous for having posed with another man dressed as a dog on a leash.
We’d show you the photo, but it goes way beyond what’s safe to show.
Needless to say, Biden’s pick is just another diversity hire that checks a box that his rabid base likes.
For him, it doesn’t matter if you’re qualified or have the decorum necessary for the job.
No, as long as you bring “diversity” and “inclusion” to the scene, you’re hired.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.