Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a staunch defender of the Constitution. This has put him in the crosshairs of Democrats across the country.
But Clarence Thomas just blindsided Joe Biden with a massive defeat.
Democrats and their ilk have been waging a war against the conservative Justices on the Court for years now.
Chuck Schumer famously said the conservatives would “pay the price” for not bowing to their ideology.
Chuck Schumer at a rally outside SCOTUS in 2020:
“I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.” pic.twitter.com/16dssoGX9s
— America Rising (@AmericaRising) June 8, 2022
But there latest line of attack has been ramping up attacks on Justice Clarence Thomas and his trips with longtime friends.
To them, this is corruption at its worst – don’t bring up Biden though, he’s as pure as the wind-driven snow.
This plan is backfiring spectacularly, as hundreds have come to the good Justice’s defense.
Over 100 former clerks of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas published an open letter defending him after recent news pieces accused him of violating court ethics, saying that his “integrity is unimpeachable” and “his independence is unshakable.”
“As his law clerks, we offer this response. Different paths led us to our year with Justice Thomas, and we have followed different paths since. But along the way, we all saw with our own eyes the same thing: His integrity is unimpeachable,” the letter reads.
“And his independence is unshakable, deeply rooted seven decades ago as that young child who walked through the door of his grandparents’ house for a life forever changed,” they wrote.
The letter’s 112 signatories include current solicitors general, general counsels, litigation firm partners, and law academics. The letter was also signed by three circuit court judges: David Stras of the 8th Circuit, Jim Ho of the 5th Circuit, and Allison Rushing of the 4th Circuit.
The lawyers characterized Justice Thomas’ origins, saying he was “descended from West African slaves and born to a young mother, not more than 20, in segregated Georgia.”
“His father left. And a fire took all he had and the shack where he lived,” they described.
According to the clerks, Thomas later packed all of his belongings in “a half-filled paper grocery bag” to live with his grandparents, who enrolled him in a segregated Catholic school run by Irish nuns.
Thomas chose seminary to complete his education in order to become a priest. “He was, at times, the only black seminarian among a sea of white faces,” they wrote.
“He took the road less traveled,” the attorneys wrote.
When he eventually went to Washington, D.C., Thomas “pulled at every thread of his country’s founding and its history – a country that had simultaneously enslaved his ancestors while declaring ‘all men are created equal,’” they wrote.
The former clerks recounted having a “front-row seat” to Thomas at work, describing him as “a man of the greatest intellect, faith, and patriotism.”
“He is a man of unwavering principle. He welcomes the lone dissent. He is also a man of great humor and warmth and generosity. Walk the halls, and you’ll hear his laugh. Call, and he answers,” they said.
No matter what Joe Biden and the Democrats push, it will never erase the indelible marks of goodness Justice Thomas has made on hundreds of lives.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.