CNN is in shambles after Matt Gaetz obliterated them live on air

The cable news network has been a vehicle of the Left for quite some time. Now they’re even trying to lie for Democrats.

And CNN is in shambles after Matt Gaetz obliterated them live on air.

The mainstream media’s bias towards Democrats seems to grow stronger each year.

That’s especially the case with CNN, who’s made a living the past seven years talking about how much they hate former President Donald Trump.

And because of their hatred for all things Trump and everything else on the Right, they make it their mission to try and spin narratives in favor of Democrats.

This was recently the case when CNN’s Abby Phillip inaccurately accused Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for voting against a defense appropriations bill.

“You did vote against the defense appropriations bill this week that…,” Phillip said before being cut off by Gaetz.

“No, you’re wrong,” Gaetz said while Phillip tried to interject.

“Abby, this is going to be a very embarrassing moment when the internet corrects you on this. I voted for the defense rule both times.”

“Oh, well, I…I stand corrected. Congressman, appreciate you joining us tonight, thank you so much,” Phillip said in response.

She then shut down the interview with Gaetz while viewers could easily tell she was a bit flustered after the mistake.

According to Politico, “…Gaetz voted for the rule for the Defense bill on both Tuesday and Thursday.”

To add some context to the interview, Matt Gaetz hasn’t been shy about his displeasure of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

In fact, he’s recently called on a motion to vacate the Speaker from his chair if he doesn’t deliver on the promises.

Gaetz is also vehemently against McCarthy’s continuing resolution that would allow more of the same reckless spending policies that Joe Biden endorses.

Perhaps Abby Phillip confused the Florida Congressman’s disapproval on the resolution with that of the defense appropriation bill.

Either way, Phillip and CNN made yet another error where they proved they’ll never be able to be a trusted news source for the American people.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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