The entire radical Left has spent two years trying to lock up Donald Trump. They aren’t going to like what just happened.
Because Donald Trump is grinning ear-to-ear as Leftists are losing their minds over his huge announcement.
Donald Trump, the former president, is praising the dismissal of the subpoena issued to him as anti-Trump Democrats and the House Select Committee get ready for the Republican majority takeover of the House on January 6.
Trump, who is running for president in the GOP primary in 2024, appeared unfazed by the committee’s decision to drop the subpoena and instead deliver its final report to Congress and the country while also sending referrals to the Justice Department for consideration of criminal charges against him.
“They probably did so because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court. Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision. In any event, the Subpoena is DEAD!” Trump said on his social media platform.
Trump’s tweet came after a series of criticisms on Wednesday night, including one that Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, was compromised and had to appease Senate Democrats over the $1.7 trillion omnibus funding bill.
“Something is going on with Mitch McConnell and all of the terrible and virtually automatic ‘surrenders’ he makes to the Marxist Democrats, like on the $1.7 trillion ‘Ominous’ bill,” Trump posted on his Truth Social board.
“Perhaps it has to do with his wife, Coco Chow, and their big relationships with China – a historic conflict of interest like no other!”
Trump said earlier in the evening that the “exact same” FBI agents who are looking into the Hunter Biden laptop are the ones pressuring Twitter to hide accurate information about the device in the weeks coming up to the 2020 election.
“It has just been learned that the FBI Office that is ‘investigating’ Hunter Biden sent many censorship requests to keep all of his bad news confidential just prior to the 2020 election,” the former President continued.
“In other words, the exact same people that were ‘investigating him’ were making sure that he doesn’t get any bad publicity — ‘Only good publicity, please.’
“This is an outrageous disgrace, and the same group that is after me on the Boxes Hoax, the January 6th Unselect Committee Hoax, and the many past hoaxes and scams,” he concluded.
Democrats and the Fake News Media were hoping to catch Donald Trump once-and-for-all with the sham Jan 6. “investigtations”.
They bet on the American public taking their lies that Trump “attacked our democracy” at face value, but that didn’t happen.
Most Americans see the Jan. 6 Committee and its proceedings as nothing but a waste of time and money, which it certainly is.
But don’t underestimate how far the radical Left will go to keep Trump out of office in 2024.
They’re still trying to end him by death of a thousand cuts with the DOJ classified documents nonsense and looking for non-existent tax crimes to charge him with.