There’s no shame on the Left. They’ll never let a tragedy go to waste.
And now California Governor Newsom has used the Trump shooting as cover to do the unthinkable.
When utterly massive news dominates the headlines, it’s important to see what politicians might be trying to accomplish while the cameras are busy focusing on something else. It’s a classic, slimy move that politicians use every single time Americans are busy talking about something that’s dominating their attention.
It happens every December when Americans are focused on the holidays and trying to spend time with their families rather than focusing on news on their phones or on the television. A prime example is when Mitch McConnell showed his true RINO colors when he helped Democrats pass a massive big government spending bill days before Christmas in 2022. He had no reason to do this as well, he just wanted to “play ball” with his Democrat counterparts regardless of what his constituency wanted.
With all the attention on Biden and Trump after the debate and then the assassination attempt, have there been any disgusting political moves being made in the shadows? You betcha. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that is extremely radical and utterly repugnant in the eyes of most Americans.
California Enacts Landmark Legislation on Student Gender Identity Disclosure
On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1955, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that prohibits school districts from requiring parental notification about a student’s change in s*xuality or gender identity without the student’s consent. This bill makes California the first state to adopt such a measure, setting a potential precedent for other Democratic states to follow.
Assembly Bill 1955 effectively overrides existing school board policies that mandate transparency with parents regarding their child’s s*xual orientation or gender identity. This issue remains contentious, given its profound implications on the lives of young people. With the passage of this bill, California has taken a definitive stance on protecting student privacy and autonomy.
Governor Newsom’s decision to sign AB 1955 comes at a politically charged moment, with the Republican National Convention underway and a recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump dominating the news cycle. These events have somewhat overshadowed the signing of this significant legislation, but its impact is expected to resonate deeply, especially among advocates and opponents alike.
In recent years, school-board races, traditionally low-profile affairs, have garnered substantial media attention. This shift is largely attributed to the debates over COVID-19 school closures and the introduction of progressive racial and gender ideologies into K-12 curricula. Nationally, Republicans have advocated for increased parental involvement in education, with transparency in schools being a cornerstone of the parents-rights movement. Many GOP-led states have also enacted bans on transgender procedures for minors, citing concerns over the rapid implementation of life-altering medical interventions.
The discussion surrounding transgender procedures for minors is further complicated by testimonies from individuals who have de-transitioned and expressed regret over their past decisions, highlighting potential medical complications. While major medical organizations in the United States support child gender transitions, the lack of comprehensive evidence has led several European countries to restrict minors’ access to such procedures.
Proponents of AB 1955, including LGBT advocacy groups, argue that the law shields children from potentially unsupportive family environments and prevents undue interference from school staff in personal matters. Governor Newsom has a long history of supporting so-called LGBT issues, dating back to his tenure as mayor of San Francisco.
“This law helps keep children safe while protecting the critical role of parents,” said Brandon Richards, a spokesperson for Governor Newsom, in a statement to the Associated Press. “It protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when, and how families have deeply personal conversations.”
In response to criticism on social media, Newsom’s press office clarified the bill’s provisions. According to the office, AB 1955 does not allow changes to a student’s name or gender identity on official school records without parental consent, nor does it restrict students from discussing their gender identity with their families. The proponents of the bill say it aims to preserve parents’ rights and encourages family discussions about a student’s LGBTQ+ identity without undue external interference.
California law already grants parents access to educational records and the right to consent to a child’s name change on legal documents.
Gavin Newsom, for now, says that the bill is supposed to defend the rights of parents to be aware of any “official” changing of their child’s gender. Many Americans believe that these small shifts to the Left are actually just intended to allow for future shifts that would have been unconscionable years ago.
Is there any doubt that California would be one of the first states to outright pass legislation that would prevent parents from even knowing what the “official” gender of their child is according to official school documents? Of course not.
They can try to suggest that this bill is “moderate”, it is anything but. Any attempt to divide parents and their children with the help of the public school system’s bureaucracy is anti-American and disgusting.
Gavin Newsom clearly took this opportunity with the limelight off of him to sign a radical bill most Americans would gasp to hear about.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.