Democrats have pressed the panic button on 2024. They’re seriously worried about Joe Biden.
And now George Soros has made a crazy confession about President Biden that’s raising everyone’s eyebrows.
The 2024 election is turning out everyone because everything is on the table this year. From the White House to the House of Representatives and to the U.S. Senate. It’s all available for the taking for the major political parties.
H*ck, even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is doing well and he’s no longer running for president with any political party affiliation anymore. The latest surveys suggest he’s polling in the 20s in some battleground states like Michigan.
All this means Joe Biden is extremely vulnerable this year. He’s an unpopular incumbent president with an economy that is seriously struggling on many fronts. Gas prices are back on the rise, inflation is still not totally under control, and the housing crisis isn’t getting any better.
Not to mention the foreign policy failures that are dragging down public opinion of the Biden administration.
Democrats are trying to frame Joe Biden in a better light, particularly a Political Action Committee that’s primarily backed by none other than the boogeyman of the radical Left, George Soros.
According to a new report, the Democracy PAC which is funded by George Soros, is trying to target white women with political ads to try and convince the white female voting bloc to pick Joe Biden this November.
They’re targeting white women in particular battleground states like Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports, effectively all of the Democracy PAC’s funds have been coming from George Soros directly. Any indirect funds the PAC has received ultimately came from George Soros through other organizations, like the Fund for Policy Reform.
What’s interesting is that the Democracy PAC’s history of involvement in the election process isn’t super glowing for Joe Biden.
Back in the 2022 midterm election cycle, the PAC ran ads of white women in battleground states like Pennsylvania saying that they support Joe Biden but not for very good reasons.
In one example, a PA voter said that she was backing Joe Biden not because he’s good for the economy or really even a good leader, but because of so-called “reproductive freedom.”
“We’re not loaded or anything, but I know that we’re going to be okay,” a voter in a 2022 ad said. “We need to vote not just on the economy but on other issues that are really important to us right now, like reproductive freedom and the environment.”
That’s an interesting take, no doubt.
Democrats are admitting that the Biden administration has been awful for the American economy. Normally they would at least try to defend Joe Biden’s record on the economy, but the fact that they are not is telling.
This demonstrates how the Left is trying to frame the 2024 election. They are telling voters it’s not about national security, illegal immigration run amok, or a floundering economy. They are telling voters it’s about the “future of democracy” and “reproductive freedom.”
In reality, Joe Biden has done next to nothing on the issue of abortion because he can’t. He’s not in Congress. And this idea that he’s the savior of democracy from that evil orange man named Donald Trump is just laughable. A president who doesn’t care about a southern border illegal immigration crisis is supposed to be a defender of democracy? Yeah, sure.
The Biden administration and the Democrats are gaslighting the American people. It’s a proto-Orwellian tactic.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.