House Democrats are celebrating after these Republicans betrayed the GOP

It’s never easy being a conservative in the swamp of Washington, D.C. These RINOs are a perfect example of why.

And House Democrats are celebrating after these Republicans betrayed the GOP.

The crisis at the southern border of the United States is astronomically bad.

That’s thanks to President Biden and his administration who basically are doing nothing to secure the border, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to invade the U.S.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas is also complicit in the border crisis, as he is a key member of the Biden administration who refuses to do anything about illegal immigration.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has had enough of Mayorkas however, and decided to introduce a resolution that would impeach the DHS secretary.

The resolution ended up failing, as eight Republicans joined Democrats to vote against it. The final tally was 209-201.

It will now be referred to the House Homeland Security Committee.

The eight Republicans who voted to defeat Greene’s resolution are Reps. Cliff Bentz (CA), Ken Buck (CO), Darrell Issa (CA), Patrick McHenry (NC), Tom McClintock (CA), Virginia Foxx (NC), John Duarte (CA), and Mike Turner (OH).

Greene predictably was not happy with the outcome.

“I’m outraged. I can assure you that Republican voters will be extremely angry that they’ve done this,” she said.

“We have found out how bad it is at the border, and yet we can’t get Republicans to impeach Secretary Mayorkas? This is outrageous.”

Greene also denounced the Republicans and referred to them as having a “lack of will” and “lack of courage.”

“Reminder that 10 million illegals have invaded America under Mayorkas and hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead from the fentanyl he’s allowed to be smuggled across the Southern Border,” political pundit Charlie Kirk said in a post to X.

Republicans only hold a razor thin majority in the U.S. House.

That makes passing resolutions like Greene’s nearly impossible thanks to squishy Republicans who occasionally side with Democrats.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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