Iranian attack on American military troops has all of D.C. in a panic

The situation in the Middle East is heating up. Many are worried about a major war breaking out.

And now Iranian attacks on American military troops has put Washington, D.C. into a panic.

Ever since the October 7 attack on Israel at the hands of the terrorist group Hamas, there’s been a growing fear that a few wrong moves could plunge the entire region into a full-blown war.

As many outlets have noted, it was the worst attack on the Jewish people ever since the Holocaust as the world watched in horror to see more than 1,000 innocent Israeli citizens perish at the hands of evil radical Islamic terrorists.

And of course, with America being allies with Israel and many nations throughout Europe, the belligerent forces like Hamas are putting American military personnel in their sights.

Since the United States carried out an air assault on an Iranian installation in Syria on Wednesday, American soldiers have been targeted four times by Iranian-backed terrorists.

Pentagon official Sabrina Singh informed the media on Thursday that there had been 46 assaults against American forces since October 17, with 24 of those attacks occurring in Iraq and 22 in Syria. The assaults, which started when fighting broke out between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, involved the employment of explosive drones and missiles.

CNN claimed that on Wednesday night, Iranian-backed terrorists attacked U.S. and coalition soldiers in the Syrian town of Omar Oil Fields twice and launched a “suicide” aircraft attack on troops.

Singh further said that three American servicemen were hurt during one of the raids. Two of the three military personnel were diagnosed with trauma to the brain, while the third had a far less severe injury. On Thursday morning, a drone attacked Al-Asad Airbase in Iraq, making this the fourth strike in as many days.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran was hit by U.S. warplanes on Wednesday as they attacked a weapons site. The attack on Jews on October 7 was the worst since the Holocaust, and many believe Iran funded Hamas’ military operation.

U.S. and many Western governments and allies throughout Europe, which includes the European Union, Canada, and Saudi Arabia, have labeled the IRGC a terrorist organization.

Singh warned that the military would not hesitate to retaliate at a time and location of their choice if attacks on their soldiers persisted.

Singh claims that the IRGC facility was rendered inoperable as a result of the airstrike. After great effort, “we were able to render that building pretty much non-usable,” she remarked.

According to CNN, U.S. soldiers had already been assaulted twice before the defensive strike on Wednesday: once by several UAVs in Bashur, Iraq, and once by rockets in Shaddadi, Syria. Iran-backed Yemeni rebels known as the Houthis knocked down a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper aircraft on Tuesday.

To counter the IRGC and its regional allies, the United States Air Force sent two F-16 fighter planes to eastern Syria in October. Among the facilities attacked were a weapons depot and an ammo warehouse station.

A number of Republicans in Washington, D.C. have been critical of President Biden for what they see as a weak reaction to the attacks on American soldiers by terrorist organizations and the present situation in Israel.

Several Republican presidential hopefuls, including former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, have warned of Iran’s rising threat as it continues to fund terrorist groups aiming to attack the United States.

Singh claimed the United States was responding appropriately to attacks on its forces while working hard to keep the regional crisis from escalating.

Singh remarked that the war had not spread beyond Israel and Hamas, which was a priority. Sing went on to say, “We are sending a message, and I think the message has been received.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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