Jeffrey Epstein’s dark connections to big bank elites exposed in a shocking lawsuit

Jeffrey Epstein

The Epstein crimes completely stunned the American public when they were exposed. It was so massive, we’re still learning more about just how far Epstein’s crimes reached in the highest circles of society.

And now Jeffrey Epstein’s dark connections to big bank elites have been exposed in this shocking lawsuit.

The Epstein scandal was a bombshell that rocked society unlike any other in recent years.

It made just about everyone curious about who else was involved in the gross crimes that Epstein was sentenced for.

The connections between the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein were – and still are – of much concern in the eyes of millions of Americans.

Then when Epstein supposedly committed suicide – even the the vast majority of Americans don’t believe that he did – it only made the distrust of politicians and big bank elites worse.

That distrust seems well warranted according to the latest in the Epstein scandal affair.

According to reports, women who fell victim to the Epstein crime ring are now suing two huge banks in Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase & Co. for empowering Epstein in his crimes and even profiting off of it.

On Thursday, the two distinct lawsuits were submitted to the Southern District of New York’s U.S. District Court.

The claims were submitted anonymously and allege that JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank gained from “assisting, supporting, facilitating, and otherwise providing the most critical service for the Jeffrey Epstein” organization.

Additionally, it is claimed in both filings that the banks “they would earn millions of dollars” despite knowing “chose profit over following the law.” by helping Epstein.

The complaint also asserts that Epstein “couldn’t have kept up” his criminal activities without “the assistance and complicity” of a financial institution.

According to the lawsuit complaint, the groups also claim that Epstein received “special treatment” from other organizations and the “appearance of legitimacy,” because of his connections to strong banks.

Deutsche Bank offered only a one-sentence statement in response to the bombshell lawsuit: “We believe this claim lacks merit and will present our arguments in court.”

On Thursday, the state of New York opened up a one-year window for the Adult Survivors Act, which “allows survivors to file claims on old cases, as long as they were above 18 when the alleged crime occurred.”

The Epstein victims fund distributed more than $120 million to roughly 135 people around that period, according to Newsmax from a report in August of 2021.

Since its inception in June 2020, the Epstein Victims’ Compensation Program (EVCP) has operated independently of Epstein’s estate.

The EVCP assessed that 92% of the 150 qualified applicants at the time accepted the offer made by the fund’s supervisors.

There’s no telling just how deep these connections between Epstein and these big bank elites run.

Hopefully, we will start getting those answers sooner rather than later and that justice will be served.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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