Joe Biden revealed the reason he could “drop dead” in this disturbing video

Joe Biden

Biden is the oldest sitting president at nearly 80 years old. Many have questioned his ability to remain in office for his whole term.

And Joe Biden revealed the reason he could “drop dead” in this disturbing video.

Many who have paid attention to Joe Biden’s speeches and candid moments on camera have said that he’s not fully there.

The lights may be on, but nobody is home.

Just last month, during an event held at the White House, Joe Biden was caught on camera calling out for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski, asking “where’s Jackie?” The Indiana Republican was killed in a car crash the month before.

This event alone raised major concerns over Biden’s mental fitness. White House Press Secretary was forced to insist that Biden had the late congresswoman “top of mind” without talking about the fact that he thought she was still alive.

His constant gaffes have led a vast majority of Americans to be concerned about Biden’s mental health.

In fact, an Issues & Insights/TIPP poll found earlier this month that 64% of Americans were “concerned” about Biden’s mental well-being, an increase from 59% in August. With 52% of Democrats expressing a similar sentiment.

But Biden made everything that much worse in his latest interview where he talks about how he could “drop dead.”

When asked by MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart what he would tell the journalist’s aunt, Gloria, who voted for Biden in 2020 but isn’t sure he should seek re-election because of his age. Biden said that concern is “legitimate.”

“I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone’s age, including mine,” Biden said.

“And I think the best way to make the judgment is to watch me. Am I slowing up? Do I have the same pace?” he continued.

He then jarringly says he could die tomorrow insisting, “I’m a great respecter of fate. I could get a disease tomorrow. I could drop dead tomorrow.”

Biden then rambles on about how he feels as though he can run again, but if others think he can’t, they should tell him.

“But I, you know, in terms of my energy level, in terms of how much I’m able to do, I think people should look and say, ‘is he, is he still have the same passion for what he’s doing? And if I think do, and I can do it, then that’s fine.

“If they don’t, then they should vote against me, not against me, they should encourage me not to go. But, that’s not how I feel, I can’t even say the age I’m gonna be. I can’t even get it out of my mind.”

Capehart then laughs awkward as Biden grabs him by the shoulders to deliver this last line.

With Democrat poll numbers in the dumpster and confidence in Biden’s presidency sinking, it’s anyone’s guess why Joe Biden would talk about dying any day now.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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