Joe Biden turned blue in the face when he got his test results back

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s presidency has turned into an unmitigated disaster, especially as he continues to gaffe in front of cameras at every opportunity he gets.

Many have been concerned about his well being. And Joe Biden turned blue in the face when he got his test results back.

Most Americans agree that Biden is simply not capable of running the most important office in the United States of America.

His constant blunders and gaffes on camera are concerning, to put it lightly.

But apparently that’s reflecting in his latest poll results.

According to Fox News, more Americans than ever agree that America is headed in the wrong direction under Joe Biden’s presidency.

Fox News reports:

“Three-quarters of registered voters are dissatisfied with America’s direction, a nearly 25-point increase from April 2021, according to a recent Fox News Poll.”

This is hardly surprising.

Regardless of where you land on the political spectrum, it’s not hard to see that Biden is simply not capable of leading America back to prosperity and respect in the world.

Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he certainly helped the economy with massive bureaucratic red tape cuts during his four years of tenure in the Oval Office.

In fact, Donald Trump is the only President in recent history to end up with a net drop in federal economic rules and regulations in the registrar.

Biden, on the other hand, seems to be so helpless that he can’t even stand in front of a camera and spew the fake news Leftist talking points that they are whispering in his ear without fumbling it.

All of this is reflected in how Americans feel about the direction of the nation under Joe Biden’s presidency.

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