Leaked docs expose chilling order from Joe Biden

The Biden administration has been smacked with scandal after scandal. But this tops them all.

And these leaked docs expose a chilling order from Joe Biden.

Americans are sick and tired of hearing about the crisis at the southern border.

It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out how to quell the overflow of illegal immigrants pouring into American communities.

Put up a barrier to deter people, arrest the ones that get through, and then deport them for breaking immigration laws. Anything nicer or more accommodating will only encourage more to come.

Many conservatives have argued that’s not what Joe Biden wants to do. No, he wants to release them without any way of tracking them.

Before yesterday, it was a talking point. But now we have the receipts.

As unprecedented numbers of migrants entered the United States this week, overburdened Customs and Border Patrol facilities were ordered to simply begin releasing them, without providing them with court dates to plead their cases or any capacity to track where they are in the country.

Migrants hurried to enter the United States before Title 42 expired, with many just being waived in for processing and hundreds of illegal border crossers handed amnesty.

Border Patrol reported 28,000 people in custody on Wednesday, when Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz issued an order to begin releasing large groups of people.

According to ABC, a leaked email obtained by the Daily Caller told agents to encourage releases from any border sector that had reached 125% capacity, which was the case in five of the nine Border Patrol sectors in the southwest.

“We’re already breaking and we haven’t hit the starting line,” one DHS official told NBC.

The migrants, the majority of whom entered the country illegally, were granted “parole with conditions,” which requires them to schedule an appointment with Immigration and Customs Enforcement within 60 days or file for an asylum court date to be mailed to them.

Agents were also instructed to release those whose average stay in custody had exceeded 60 hours or if 7,000 migrants were apprehended across the border in a single day.

From Sunday through Wednesday, those quotas were exceeded on a daily basis, with officials apprehending almost 10,000 persons.

Art Acevedo, Chief of Police in Aurora, Colorado, and a Cuban immigrant himself, expressed concern about the idea of releasing migrants without completely processing them.

“We were either a national of laws where our processes are followed or we are not,” he told The Washington Post.

“You don’t just release folks unless they’ve been properly processed, identified, and unless we’ve followed all of the protocols.

“We should always be concerned with releasing people into our communities, without knowing where they’re at, where they’re living, where we can reasonably find them if we need to locate them.

“And most importantly, without vetting, to see who they are and assessing the threat to public safety.

“In [all] honestly, it can put the immigrant population at risk because the bad actors tend to try to blend in with immigrant communities.”

Why would Biden do this? Why would he fling open the door without asking any questions?

The answer should be obvious.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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