Merrick Garland was CAUGHT colluding in this bombshell coverup

The federal government is infected with Leftists at every level. They’ll do anything to help out their own.

But Merrick Garland was CAUGHT colluding in this bombshell coverup.

Americans just recently learned that Joe Biden has been in possession of classified documents for the better part of a decade.

After lambasting Trump for his supposed collection of classified materials at his home, it turns out Biden was just projecting his own crimes.

And it wasn’t just one instance – Biden had classified documents in an old office and in his garage in Delaware. Who knows where else?

Republicans are fuming, and they’re demanding answers.

According to a document obtained by the Daily Caller, more than 40 Republicans are sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland asking why the news that classified documents from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president were found in a non-secure location wasn’t released until after the midterm elections.

CNN said Tuesday that two people familiar with the situation told them that Biden’s personal lawyers found some classified documents while packing up files and then told the National Archives and Records Administration.

Several of the secret documents were said to have information about Ukraine, Iran, and the UK. Documents were found in Biden’s office, but he didn’t know about it until the White House counsel’s office told him.

When the Republicans took control of Congress, the news came out. Tuesday, the House made a new oversight committee to look into how federal agencies like the FBI and Department of Justice have been “weaponized” (DOJ).

Republican Missouri Rep. Mark Alford led the group of Republicans who wanted to know why the information wasn’t made public before the midterm elections, even though authorities were reportedly aware of it six days before.

“Classified documents were discovered at the Penn Biden Center on November 2, 2022, only six days prior to the midterm elections, which decided the balance of power for the 118th Congress,” the letter reads.

“This discovery occurred shortly before you appointed special counsel, Jack Smith, to criminally investigate President Trump as part of the Mar-a-Lago raid, a central issue in the midterms for both Congressional Democrats and Joe Biden.”

“Did the White House request to withhold this information prior to the midterm elections?” the letter asks.

“Why did the Biden administration and your Department of Justice fail to disclose this information publicly?”

The letter also asks if there will be a special prosecutor and, if so, when, and if not, if Congress was told about the results.

“The fact that President Trump is being criminally investigated for mishandling classified documents, while President Biden is not receiving the same level of scrutiny for his mishandling of classified documents, leads us to believe that the Justice Department’s investigation of President Trump is nothing more than a partisan and politically motivated attack on President Trump,” the letter reads.

Dozens of representatives, such as Jim Banks, Dan Crenshaw, Burgess Owens, and Nick Langworthy, put their names on the letter.

“The American people deserve to know if prior to the midterm elections the White House covered up the fact that Joe Biden left classified documents at his think tank,” Alford said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “That’s why I’ve led a coalition of my colleagues in Congress to demand that Merrick Garland investigate and provide answers immediately.”

Vince Coglianese, the editorial director of the Daily Caller and a host on WMAL, said on Tuesday that the Biden story was just a “stunt” that was timed to hurt the credibility of Republicans who want to look into intelligence agencies.

“When did they know about it? It was before the election, obviously, before the midterms. When did we find out about it? Well, after the midterms,” Coglianese said. “The guy was vice president of the United States … he absconded with classified information.

It ends up in his think tank at the University of Pennsylvania and they just discover it and now the story we are all supposed to believe is, ‘look how responsible he was’?”

Coglianese said that the story was put out after the midterms on purpose so that it wouldn’t hurt as much.

“It is of course after the midterms, the damage of such a revelation is gone, once again the Justice Department has meddled in an election, refused to tell the American people things that were germane ahead of an election so that they could make a reasoned judgement about whether or not they wanted to continue to support the party in power,” Coglianese said.

“But another piece of this is that this very week, Republicans took over the United States House of Representatives and not only did they take over the House, they forced Kevin McCarthy to govern as a speaker who will allow a robust, detailed, deep investigation into the corruption inside of the federal government, a church-style committee à la the Church Committee of the 1960s, dedicated to looking into the corruption and the anti-American behavior of the federal government.”

Coglianese said the story was purely a “stunt” so that the Biden administration and Garland could “sell a lie to the American people that our justice system is good and not corrupt and working as intended.”

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