Where there’s smoke there’s fire. And there’s a ton of smoke around Michelle Obama.
And now Michelle Obama’s troubling college years have been revealed, leaving everyone shocked.
Now that Michelle Obama is being mentioned as a possible replacement for Joe Biden in the event that the Democratic Party establishment decides to reject him at the nominating convention, it is high time that we show the truth about this woman.
We should talk about her senior college thesis.
She boldly asserts in her thesis that “crime and hatred” were the foundations of the United States and that white Americans are “ineradicably racist.” Obviously, there is a great deal more nuance to history than that.
The majority of Americans felt strongly against slavery, prompting the nation to go to war in order to put an end to it. Furthermore, civil rights legislation would have been enacted far more quickly following the Civil War had Michelle’s political party, the Democratic Party, not obstructed it for decades.
Slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation were all supported by this group. Michelle is oblivious to the fact that the Republican Party was established with the express purpose of denouncing racism and slavery.
The fact that her thesis labels her as a segregationist and that she utilizes the words “separationist” and “integrationist” interchangeably while expressing Black people’s perspectives, is troubling.
According to Michelle, minorities that aspire to advance in society at large are betraying their own people.
Listen to her own words:
“By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.”
Such nonsense. In today’s society, not even the most radical Blacks hold this view.
“Further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant” was her prediction for her future after attending Princeton, she wrote.
Black people will never be “full participants” in American culture, she argues, no matter how much they integrate. That, however, is completely illogical and renders her seeming foolish. Furthermore, she won’t ever share her SAT results, since she was likely admitted to Princeton under affirmative action.
To think that she is really advocating social segregation for Black people is shocking. In what ways does that enhance their progress?
The obvious inference for any reasonable reader of her theory is that she is a separationist.
Louis Farrakhan’s warped worldview, from which Michelle takes this thinking, claims that all whites are “blue-eyed devils.” The racist congregation that the Obamas and the Robinsons attended, under Rev. Jeremiah Wright, is dominated by this sort of anti-white doctrine as well.
Obviously, the Obamas had to conceal their ideology when they entered politics, as gaining power in America requires the backing of millions of naive white voters.
You can be sure, too, if Michelle is tapped to step in for Joe Biden at the last minute for the Democrat party nomination, that the Obamas will put on that “moderate” facade once again.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.